Twelve - Medusa's New Self

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I woke up in the middle of the night and found a slithery sensation on my body. A snake was slithering in to my mouth. I screamed, no one could hear me from inside of my dorm.
      My vision was blurred and I lost all sensation in my body. I subconsciously started walking to the door, when I realized what I was doing to tried to fight the force that was making me do it. I obviously lost and had to succumb to the movements.
I made my way to the stairs and slowly creaked down. "And where are you going?" The home room lady asked.
"Just to get a glass of water," I said without consent.
I tried to hold myself back from walking into the kitchen. "Fighting, eh?" A foreign voice said from within me. "I didn't think someone in your current state would fight back against a manipulation spell."
Manipulation spell? I panicked.
"I am Medusa, the previous school nurse, and I have some tests I want to run on your- freind," Medusa said aloud. "I have complete and utter control over your speech and overall movements."
Medusa POV
       I left enough evidence for Kid to find us. Now it's time to just escape and hope for the worst. I opened the kitchen window and took off.
    It took a while for Yn to submit to my demands. Her eyes slowly turned a hazel, like mine.
    I opened the doors to my base. "Crona," I whispered. "We have work to do."
    "Do I?" Eruka asked.
    "Yes," I replied. "Act as bait for the reaper boy."
"W-what?" Eruka panicked.
"You heard me," I replied. "I have to write a note to the DWMA...."
      I spent the rest of the night writing the letter. I had to avoid using my own handwriting so I used Yn's handwriting.
I can tear apart the students at DWMA by simply sending a letter telling them about Kim, and catching the reaper in a trap to find his beloved.
I handed the letter off to Eruka who would then deliver it to the DWMA mail box. I wasn't sure how she would do it, but I knew she would.
A week past before the DWMA read my letter. I returned to the city to see my work unfold. While I was there I used Yn's appearance to get information.
"Yn, you've haven't been in school for a week. What happened?" Death the Kid asked.
"I caught a cold," I replied.
How long will it take until he realizes it's me? Shouldn't take him long, he is not a dull person.
"You should have came over if you were sick," Death the Kid replied.
"I think it was the flu, I was too sick to walk," I said with a smile.
"Then you should've gotten Kim to get me," he smiled.
Who is this creep? Is this was Yn has to deal with every day? I am starting to feel sorrow for that little twig. "You're a guy, you can't come into the girl's dorms..." I trailed off.
     "If you have forgotten, I am a Grim Reaper. I can access any ground that DWMA owns with this," he held up a badge that stated his name, rank and status.
"Interesting..." I sighed.
"You aren't asking like yourself. Are you okay?" Death the Kid asked. "Usually you are stubborn and dominant, now your just asking questions you already know."
"Maybe I'm still sick, who knows?" I asked. "So, where is Kim?"
"About that, come over here," Kid pointed to a place away from people,
"The DWMA got a letter stating that she is a witch, we can't let that go uncalled for," Kid whispered into my ear.
     "Oh my," I acted.
     Death the Kid put his hands on my shoulders, he pulled me into his warmth. Greeting me with a sweet kiss. I pulled away as fast as it started.
     "What's wrong?" Death the Kid asked.
     "Nothing," I answered. "Tell me more about Kim."
      "When she gets back, I am taking her to Lord Death. Those men over there will help me fight her if she tries to defend herself," Death the Kid stated.
       "I should get to class-"
       Kid suddenly grabbed my arm. "Stay!" He yelled. "Sorry- can you stay?"
      The more I stay, the bigger chance of him finding out that Yn isn't actually Yn. It's me, Medusa. I have to try and act like Yn or he will think somethings up. But I don't want to deal with him any longer. When Kim comes back I will show him that the Yn he thinks I am is locked away in her own conscious. "Just a few minutes would be okay, I think- I have -uhh- Stein next."
      "Here she is, Kim."

Lies (Death the Kid x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now