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Stein POV
"Stein," Spirit breathed, interrupting the class in session. "Can I talk to you for a moment... Outside?"
"What do you want? I am in the middle of a class, these idiots need all of the class time they can get," I replied. I soon agreed to talk to Spirt outside.
"Have you seen Kid?" Spirit asked. "He's the new DWMA shinigami and he is missing..."
I smirked. "He probably went to hunt down Medusa and get the girls back."
"WHAT?!" Spirit yelled. "He can't do that alone."
"I don't know... I think he can, after all he killed Noah's Group, and brought us back the book of Eibon..." I admitted.
"You're right, I was too fast to doubt him, let's just hope he brings back all three in tact and alive," Spirit sighed.
"Can I go back to class now? BlackStar is most likely dancing around," I said. When I entered the classroom all of the students were looking at me.
Jackie POV
What could Medusa possibly want with Yn and Kim? I understand that she needs Yn for a body, but Kim? Maybe for her powers. I hope someone finds us before things get worse.
"Kim," I breathed. Kim was locked down across the hall from me, we were in a celled hallway, like a prison.
Kim looked up. "What, Jackie?" She asked.
"Where do you think Yn is?" I asked.
"With Medusa," she responded with a Sherlock tone.
"When do you think we will be rescued?" I asked.
"Soon, hopefully-"
Chi chi chi
Chi Chi Chiiiiiiiiiii
"Come here witch," Free said to Kim.
"What the hell- no!" Kim yelled.
She fought them but she had no proper magic to defend herself with. She couldn't take one five witches and a werewolf at the same time with just Tanuki magic.
So, there she is. Medusa is inside that building. She will pay for what she did to Yn.... They all will.
I ran around the palace to find a proper entrance. The only thing I could find was a vent, an improper way to enter. I climbed through anyway, hoping to find Yn and Medusa.
I heard Kim scream from afar, I crawled towards the noise, I got to the area and couldn't find anything. I busted a hole in the vent and hopped down.
"Kid!" Jackie yelled to me through electric bars.
"I'll come back- where's Yn?" I asked in a haste.
"I don't know, but they took Kim down that way," Jackie pointed left. "Find them for me."
I waved then ran in the direction Jackie pointed. My feet hit the ground with a bang. The noise didn't bother me, it concerned me that I might be found out.
     "Shinigami," Free said, leaning against a wall. "We meet again..."

Lies (Death the Kid x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now