Two - Flashback

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Yn's POV
It was a long night, I got no sleep. My bed was soaked, one would think that I wet myself, but I actually cried for hours on end. Those memories are too much, I can't.
6:00... 7:00... 8:00 passed and I still wasn't in school. I had to get my ass up, stop crying and get rehydrated before going to school.
I walked into my midget fridge, grabbing a cold bottle of water for myself. I cried so much that the tears almost stopped.
I got dressed and slowly walked up the DWMA stairs. I packed a water bottle in a bag just in case I need to cry again. I tried to get to the top in the middle of class so that limited people would be in the hallways.
    "You're late," Kid said from behind me. "I would except new NOTs like you to be on time, instead you almost two hours late for school. Why?" Kid asked. He looked to be strict, but his words were gentle and kind.
     My eyes widened as I looked into my locker, I didn't turn back to him. "I-I slept late-" I rapidly replied. I put my bag in my locker so I had a place to put it. I was too sore to carry much at the moment.
    He walked up and looked into my locker. "Quite the mess," he commented. "Your eyes are blood shot? Are you alright?" He put his hand on my shoulder.
   "I'm fine," I said hostilely, grinding my teeth.
"Tell me, or I will report your tardiness. You don't want that on your final report card." His grip tightened.
"Fine..." I said. "Here is what happened. Meeting you brought back this memory. I was 6 years old..."
I tip toed down the stairs to get a glass of water, I was thirsty. When I was half way down the stairs I heard two people arguing in the kitchen. My mother, and father.
"Child services will be coming to get her in the morning, Nancy," papa said.
"Good riddance!" Mommy said. "That child was sucking up all of our money."
"You're right," Papa said.
"She won't be missed. She has no friends, everyone hates her!" Mommy laughed.
"Maybe she will help the crack addicts in the cities score some," papa said.
"Mommy... Papa..." I peered around the railing of the staircase. I was crying. "You don't want me?"
"Of course we don't," mommy said. "You heard us. All you do is suck up our money like a damn parasite. Now get your ass back up into the attic!"
I didn't even have a bedroom, I had the attic. It was cold. They never gave me food or water, I had to get everything myself. I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I didn't go to the attic, I went to the bathroom. My safe zone was in there.
Flashback End
"What happened after? And how did I remind you of that?" Kid asked.
"I was handed to Social Services. And you reminded me of it because-" I stopped. "Because-" I couldn't say the reason. "I don't know. When I looked at you those memories came back to haunt."
     He put his other hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry that I did that." He looked saddened now.
     "Don't be-"
     "But I really like you. Maybe we can get to know each other," Kid walked away. I watched as he walked. My heart pounded against my chest. God... why?

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