20 - The Talk

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Jaqueline's POV
      After the encounter with Medusa, word quickly got around that she was a witch. Whenever she would walk in the hallways, people stared and whispered. She eventually started to going to her next 5 minutes before the bell rang to avoid the hurtful gossiping and pointing.
Stein started a new unit, Soul Protect. Kim helped out with how it felt to turn on Soul Protect and how it can be beaten with a strong soul wavelength. Sadly, the only known human to see through the witchs' Soul Protect is dead.
       When that class ended me and Kim went to meet up with the rest of the gang in the Death Room to discuss out last, hardest target of them all, Asura.
      Spirit started to explain what our plan was going to be. "Asura is hiding within the caves of the Himalayas," he explained. "It's out job safely execute him before he hurts anyone else. It helps us that Asura is in an isolated location, where our powers can't reach the people below."
      "When are we leaving?" I asked.
      "Tomorrow," Stein replied. "Sid has a private plane, with the best pilot known to man, to take you to the Himalayas. But it's not going to be until the following day that you kids will be able to actually fight. There are people who are right now digging paths up the mountain for your safety. They are getting rid of any loose snow as we speak," Stein explained.
      "Why can't I just go alone?!" BlackStar shouted. "I can handle it! I am a big man!"
Spirit quietly spoke "even if you are a big man, you are still a student and therefore have to be protected by us. Not one of you is allowed to go alone up to the mountain!" Spirit shouted at us.
Serious business
"You be given room buddies- or do you want to choose them?" Stein asked. "Meisters have to have a weapon, weapons have to have someone who can wield them- whether that be another weapon or a Miester. Groups of two only."
We all agreed to choose. I took the pleasure in choosing Kim. BlackStar chose Soul, Tsubaki chose Maka, Kilik chose Harvar, Ox chose Thunder and Fire, Liz and Patty chose each other. That left to people. Kid happily put his hand on Yn's shoulder and said "we're partners."
"Where exactly will we be sleeping?" Yn said, wanting something that is big, not small-spaced.
"We have little tents for you," Stein laughed. Yn's face sunk. "They are 6" by 5" though. Two people who aren't over 6" feet in height can stay in it. Yn and Kid are perfect for this because that aren't very tall- while the rest of you chose the WORST possible buddies."
"What about us? We're short!" Soul pointed out.
"Your hairs' are bigger than the Eiffel Tower," Yn joked.
After that the three started bickering until I passed in. "Stop! This is serious business, BlackStar, Soul."
"Yeah, you're right. Our hair is serious business," he said. "It's not cool that Yn had to go and mess it up."
While they were I bickering, Yn had run her fingers through and tangled their hair. "You deserved it," she spoke up.
The kids' tents were bigger than they expected, even though they knew that they would be 6" by 5". The tents were different color's and styles. Kid chose the black and white tent that sloped down to form the sides as opposed to one that was rectangle-shaped and had more room upwards. Kid let Yn in the tent first. There were two beds. One white, one black. There was bagged snacks and canned soups.
The black bed was towards the entrance/exit of the tent and the white was closed in at the back. Yn laid down, put the sheets over her and enjoyed the nice heat that emitted from the direction of Kim and Jackie's tent. Kid moved himself into the center of the tent and stood up. He was fine since the text extended upwards by 7 feet.
"Kid, what the hell are you doing?" Yn asked with a sarcastic tone. "We've been on a plane for ten hours. Eat something, or go to sleep."
"Go to sleep?" Kid asked. "It's 2PM (14:00)!"
Yn looked up at Kid. "Come down here. You're annoying."
Kid took that as a warning and quickly sat down. He too sat in his bed and looked at the walls for who knows how long. "Yn?" He asked. Yn gestured for him to keep talking. "Do you know what it's like to love someone, and then find out they don't love you back?"
"Let's rephrase that 'Do you know what it feels like to lie to someone, and then figure out they never lied back to you'?" She copied. Yn turned over in her bed. Savage
The tent was cold.
"I'm serious," Kid's voice went stern. "Why do you think that 'love' and 'lie' are synonyms?" Kid asked. He reached out to touch her arm, she flinched away from him.
Yn thought about the answer for a moment, since she couldn't find an answer she decided to ignore his question. Kid's hand patted down onto Yn's hair, soon stroking down onto her arm, then torso. Kid embraced Yn with a hug. Kid's head rested atop Yn's. His arm went under her body, and his other arm went over. Yn enjoyed the slight warmth that came other than the quiet flames of Jackie which had now died out. "Kid-" Yn started. She decided not to continue. She felt good, didn't want to change that. Kid was trying to give this to her since he met her and Yn was too foolish to realize how nice it was.
Yn turned to face Kid, and cuddled her face into his warm chest, enjoying the moment until it ended.
Kid moved his hand to Yn's shoulder. He grabbed her chin and lifted it towards him. He embraced her with a kiss, a soft touch to the lips at first. Yn laid on her back while Kid towered above her, holding her arms down and getting rougher. Kid left Yn's lips and traveled down to her neck. Lightly pecking at her. Kid let go of Yn's arms, and kissed her again on the lips. This time his hands were on her head. Their bodies touched, legs entwined. Kid's to fur entered Yn's mouth. The romance ended when Kid removed himself from the space above Yn and started to cuddle again.

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