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Romance, Drama
Written by Hanna. *hannaberry

DISCLAIMER: Gosho Aoyama is the rightful owner of Detective Conan. Again, this is a pure fanfiction.

If you're planning on reading this and aren't a fan of the said anime series, I would like to give some backgrounds to somehow avoid confusion.

(Skip i and ii if you're already a fan. This is just a background.)


Kudo Shinichi, 17 years old. Great detective of East Japan. While having a date with his childhood friend, Mouri Ran, at Tropical Land (Amusement Park), he saw a huge man donned in black and wearing a black sunglasses, having an illegal transaction; he tried to peek and observe the situation, leaving his date behind. What he did not know is that a partner of the man in black was sneaking behind him, a tall man with long silver blonde hair owning a pair of cold and heartless eyes. The latter struck the young detective with a hard wood and forced him to swallow their newly updated poison called APTX 4869.

The two men in black leave the vicinity fast as they could for they heard and saw policemen, leaving the unconscious detective behind. What they didn't know is that the APTX 4869 didn't kill the detective but shrunk him, turning back to his 7-year old form.

To hide his identity, he and Agasa Hakase, the Kudo's scientist neighbour and a great friend to him decided not to tell anyone, well except his parents, about what had really happened to him.

Few minutes after, an angry Mouri Ran crashed into the Kudo's manor. Startled, the shrunken Shinichi immediately wore the specs of his father, afraid that his childhood friend might recognize his seven year old face. When Ran saw the foreign cute boy, she asked, "What's your name?" Shinichi gulped. He couldn't tell her that he's Shinichi especially that he knows someone might be after him. His eyes wandered, he saw the books behind him, "Edogawa Conan" he answered Ran with his....childish tone. Agasa Hakase suggested Shinichi to live with Ran for the mean time because he is pretty sure that the first thing the men in black will observe is the Kudo's manor and the eccentric house beside it. "Can Conan-kun stay with your house Ran-kun? He's a relative of Shinichi-kun." Agasa lied. Ran flashed a sweet smile, of course, she's like an angel in disguise, "Sure, Hakase." And so.....Shinichi no, Conan started living with the Mouris. He still continued solving cases, hey! He's a shrunken detective after all. Although he's solving cases using Ran's drunken and lame detective father, Kogoro. If Conan solved a case, he'll shoot Kogoro with his watch tranquilizer and used the voice changer to imitate Kogoro's, both gadgets were made by Agasa Hakase, along with the solar skateboard and rubber shoes with extra features.

Agasa Hakase enrolled Conan to teitan elementary; there he met Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko- they become his friends. One bright Monday, inside the classroom where Conan is part of, a new girl student stood in front, she owns a short tea-colored hair and a pair of intimidating cold eyes. Kobayashi-sensei, their teacher, wrote Haibara Ai on the chalkboard. "Everyone, this is Haibara Ai, she'll be with you starting from now on. Please be good to her."

"Kawaii," (cute) everyone commented except the bored Conan. Of course she is! Haibara Ai is half Japanese and half british after all. Her facial features make her unique- simply beautiful, breath-taking. When asked by Kobayashi, she chose to sit beside Conan which shocked him....a lot.

Who was she? She seems very odd. She isn't acting like a seven year old kid. Later that day, as Conan walked her home for some apparent reason, okay it was because they were involved on a counterfeit case, she told him information that blow him hard.

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