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Romance, Humor, Short Story

Written by Hanna *hannaberry

DISCLAIMER: Gosho Aoyama is the rightful owner of this series.


Last part.

One gloomy Friday, Shinichi woke up because of a dream. A dream where a tea-blonde girl named Haibara Ai and a four-eyed kid named Edogawa Conan were involve.

"Ne, Haibara...How exactly old are you?"

"I am originally 18, just perfect for you." She smirked.

And he knew she was only joking.

"I think it's better for Mouri-san just to forget everything."

"What?!" he said, intensely.

"If only I have amnesia, I would completely forget about the syndicate or what you call the black organization. I'll forget how my parents and onee-chan died. I'll forget everything. I'll just remain as Haibara Ai. A child and not a shrunken scientist. If Mouri-san's amnesia become permanently, then I have the chance to stay with you forever,"

His eyes grew wide, oh no! "H-Haibara...do you li---"

She grin, "Just kidding. Feeling better now?"

One bright sunny day on a beach,

"Taku!" he hissed, "If you're not feeling well at least stay on the shade. Good thing Ran notice that you had been sun-burnt." He stated, half-pissed, half worried.

She breathed heavily, she really doesn't look well. "For what? For the sea completely enjoy the dolphin's presence? Heh!" she laughed sarcastically. "Of course, a shark who lives on the dark can never compete on a dolphin who is always love by the sea."

Shinichi's eyes grew wide. He finally understand now what was that metaphor all about. If she's in love with him back then that means the dolphin was Ran, she's the shark and he was the sea. "You're really dense Shinichi." He said to himself.

"Kudo!" he heard a loud's voice coming from the outside of his manor.

When he realized whose voice was that, he grimaced. He walk in a slow pace and open the door. There he saw the tan Osaka boy, around his age carrying a blue and white bag. "Can I stay here for a month?" he asked while grinning.

"EH?!!!!" he was surprised, "Why? Hattori is this about a case?"

Hattori Heiji laugh, "No. Kazuha's been staying with us lately because their house is under construction. She keeps on bothering me. That aho!" (idiot)

Shinichi just rolled his eyes and open the door wide open, "Then you cook."

Hattori Heiji hissed. "Why not ask that onee-chan?" he teased.

Shinichi gasped, "Why would I ask her? I am not even sure where she lives."

The Osaka boy blinked a few times before responding, "She lives in the Mouri Detective Agency right?"

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