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FANFICTION | Detective Conan
Romance, Drama, Short Story
written by Hanna *hannaberry

Disclaimer: Gosho Aoyama is the rightful owner of detective conan.


It was a fine Monday morning at the University where Ran, Sonoko and Shinichi are currently enrolled. The bird on the near tree are chirping happily, a detective sitting under the shade of tree is in deep thought.

Haibara took the same pill as him. She was back to Miyano Shiho.
Miyano is living with Kaito Kid.
How? And why? Why is she helping him?
He's a thief! Come on, Haibara! What are you thinking?

Shinichi thought.

He was awaken from deep thought when he felt a warm wet lips kissed his left cheek. He opened his eyes only to see two girls; one smiling like an idiot and one blushing hard.

"See, your kiss will awaken the prince, Ran." Sonoko teased.

Ran blushed even more. "Sonoko!" she warned. She face Shinichi again, "S-Sorry about that Shinichi-" but she was immediately cut-off by her best friend, Sonoko.

"Mou! Ran, why are you apologizing? You are his girlfriend. It's normal for you to kiss. Duh!" Sonoko blunted.

Ran just rolled her eyes and neglects her best friend's comment, "I was calling your name earlier but you seemed asleep. I don't like to disturb you but just to remind you, we still have class and if we don't move yet, we'll be late."

Shinichi stood up, "Oh...right."

The three then started walking onto the hallway. Shinichi's hands are on the back of his head while the two girls are chatting again.

He heard,

"Ran, I think someone will be transferring here. I heard it from sensei. I hope he is a he. Plus handsome!" Sonoko giggled.

When he heard the word handsome, Shinichi remembered what Kaito Kid said before he jumped out of the rooftop. He disguised Miyano Shiho as a handsome guy, probably a waiter since Sonoko asked for a juice.

He faced Sonoko, "Did he gave you his number?"

Sonoko look at him, weirdly. Who was he talking? "Who?"

"The handsome waiter at Ran's surprise party? Did he give you his number? What did he told you? Did you notice the tea-blonde girl at your back at that time? She's a waitress as well." Shinichi asked, fast.

Sonoko's mouth agape. "Hey! Slow down a bit! He didn't gave me his number, in fact he just stared at me coldly. And the tea-blonde you were saying, no I haven't saw her. Who was she by the way?" Sonoko asked. "Is she a mistress? Ran! Tie a rope on Shinichi's body and don't let him go. He's cheating on you."

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