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FANFICTION | Detective Conan
Romance, Drama
written by Hanna *hannaberry


Five days had passed. He was back. Kudo Shinichi is back. After his last encounter with Haibara, he decided to take the pill. No more Edogawa Conan. He's back on the Kudo's manor. Hakase invented a story about Conan returnig back to America with his parents.

The people who knew Kudo Shinichi welcomed him back with laughters and tears...and with love for Ran.

It was five in the morning when he heard his doorbell ringing repeatedly. He jumped out of his bed and rubbed his eyes. "Coming!" he shouted.

An old chubby man wearing semi-casual attire stood outside his door, "Oh! Morning, Hakase. Welcome back! How was your four days convention on Hokkaido?"

When Shinichi realized that Agasa Hakase is flashing a worried face that he always saw when something bad happen to his adopted daughter, he tensed. "H-Hakase, where is Haibara?"

the old man smile sadly. "She left...this note."

He opened the pale yellow paper and read its content.


I am sorry for leaving you without notice. My purpose staying here is already done. The antidote is finished. I am no longer needed here. I deleted all the content of my computer because a certain detective might go fishing for information on where I am.

Thank you so much Hakase for accepting and taking good care of me. Yes, you're like my second father but I had to leave. I need to fix myself, I know you know what I am talking and the need to write it down here is useless especially that i know that you'll show this to your idiot detective neighbor.

Don't worry, Hakase. I'll be fine. Please tell Kudo-kun that I appreciate everythig he had done for me, especially giving me those expensive fusae bags.

Also, eat healthy foods or else you'll die soon. Heh!

Please take good care of the kids and ask for Kudo-kun's help on coming up a reason why I disappeared.

Take Care!

Haibara Ai.

Shinichi's brows met. She left, she left him alone. He felt that something inside him crushed. "H-Hakase, i'll find her."

Agasa Hakase frowned. "Don't, Shinichi-kun. My house is just beside yours but you never did check on her. I know that you're making up for the life you lost but don't you even thought of ai-kun within those five days? She was always there when you needed her, backing up your deduction, helping you about forensics. You were always with Ran-kun, you forgot that once, you were Conan. Shinichi, it wasn't only my loss, it is yours as well."

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