Someone Else In Mind

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Title: Someone Else In Mind

Word Count: about 1000

Rating: K+ (they all seem to be K+ lately)

Summary: The team teases Spencer about his limited contact with girls. He decides to change that.

Requested by: @my-last-resort


     "So the UnSub is stalking and kidnapping girls who all resemble each other. Blonde, blue eyes, young, pretty, the usual." Derek Morgan stated to his team, seated around him in the briefing room.

     "They must resemble someone he knows," you say. "A girlfriend or significant other, most likely. These girls are too young to symbolize a mother. And besides, unless this UnSub has incestuous fantasies, I doubt this person symbolizes a sister. Hence the rape."

     Penelope Garcia, the resident tech genius and your best girlfriend, winces at the words. You send her an apologetic glance. Pen never liked listening to any gruesome or sad details about cases- or anything else, really.

     "Well, the lack of torture suggests he cares for them." Aaron Hotchner, your Unit Chief, says.

     "As does the kill method; poison." Emily Prentiss says.

     "And the disposal method; water burial." Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau states with a frown. "Are we sure we're not looking for a team? Both poison and water burial are distinctly female MOs."

     "Or a female trying to be a male." David Rossi gave a small smile as he said it.

     "What say you, Dr. Reid?" You ask, glancing at Dr. Spencer Reid, your best friend and confidant.

     "Yeah, you've been quiet, Pretty Boy." Morgan teases, nudging him with his elbow. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

     Spencer starts. "What?"

     "What's got you so distracted?" Prentiss asks.

     "Wait..." JJ says, "all these women are blonde, young, pretty, and being stalked. I think I know what's going on."

     "Oh..." Rossi, Garcia, and Morgan say in unison. Hotch gives a small smile. You and JJ glance at each other, smirks in place.

     "Okay, you all seem to know, but I'm in the dark here." Prentiss says, her dark eyes flickering between faces, looking slightly confused.

     "Oh, right," you say, "this was before you joined the team. Well, Spence here was out in LA with Gideon for a seminar when they got a case. An up-and-coming TV star was being stalked. What was her name?"

     "Lila Archer." Spencer says. His eyes dart around, and he almost looks like he's blushing.

     "Right, Lila. Well, Spencer was tasked with staying with her and keeping her safe from her stalker. Things went well until, somehow, they ended up making out in a pool." You concluded. A small bolt of emotion rushes through you, though you can't tell what.

"And she gave him her phone number before we all left." JJ adds.

"Did you call her?" Emily asks.

"That- I-" Spencer sputters.

"Oh, not a chance. I bet Pretty Boy's got someone else in mind." Morgan teases, wiggling his eyebrows.

     "I don't think so." Rossi says.

     "You know, I really think we should focus on this case, not prior-" Spencer begins.

     "Girlfriends?" Pen cuts in.

     "C'mon, guys, leave Spence alone." you say, "Besides, we have a case."

     Hotch nods, "Wheels up in thirty."


     The case turned out to be pretty quick. The UnSub, a male with Dissociative Identity Disorder, had a female personality who was working with his natural one. As for a motive... you weren't sure. No one really was. Neither of the UnSub's personalities were particularly talkative.

Spencer was quiet on the jet home. You sat next to him for the most part, trying to engage him in conversation, but he kept giving you quick answers and then just going back to his book. Eventually, you gave up and went to find a comfortable piece of couch to sleep on.

Presently, you were collecting your luggage. You smile at Spencer as you do, feeling victorious when he smiles back. You grab your go bag and exit the plane, him right behind you. You walk with him to your car in silence, your steps thudding in the concrete. You usually drove him to work and back, since you lived in the same apartment building.

As you walk, you feel him grab your hand, lacing his fingers with yours.

You turn your head to look at him, but find him already staring at you. He looks a little hesitant, yet he doesn't pull away. Unsure of yourself, you give him a small smile and look back toward your car. You've held hands with him before. Everything's fine.

Then why does this time feel different?

When you reach the car, you reluctantly let go of his hand. You thrown your go bags in the trunk and hop in. Spencer is still quiet.

     "Spence, are you okay?" You ask as you pull out of the parking lot.

     "Me? I- I'm fine." He replies, as if startled by your question.

     "Look, if this is about what happened in the briefing room, I'm really sor-" You begin.

     "Don't worry about in, Y/N." He says, and just like that, you lapse into silence.

     Parking the car at your apartment complex, you cut the engine, but instead of getting out, you look over at Spencer, unbuckling your seatbelt.

     "I-" You begin.

     "Y/N," Spence cuts you off.

     You stare at him expectantly, your (E/C) eyes shining in the early-morning darkness. Instead of speaking, though, Spencer just stares at you. His light brown eyes, so quick and intelligent, are slightly out of focus. "You know, Morgan was right."

     "Right about what?" You ask, starting to get concerned.

     "Right in saying that I had someone else in mind." He says, and then leans forward and kisses you softly on the lips.

     His hands come up to cup your face, and you kiss him back with all your might. His tongue, slightly hesitant, swipes along your lower lip. You give him entrance, and you kiss him like that until you're short of breath. When he pulls away, he stares at you with slightly guarded eyes.

     He looks nervous, so you smile at him. He attempts to smile back, though the attempt fall flat.

     And so you kiss him again.

     Four years later, you have another kiss like that, only for this one, your wearing a wedding gown.


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