The End

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To my beautiful, wonderful readers:

This book has seen a long run. In fact, it's over two years old, and to be perfectly honest, it's seems a lot longer. The girl who began this book, who shakily typed out the first lines to a collection of many firsts (first Spencer Reid fic, first reader-insert, first smut...), was young. She was barely thirteen, naive, and arrogant. She believed- she knew- that she was mature. She thought there wasn't much left for her to learn in this massive collection of painful and beautiful vignettes we call life; this, in the end, was her downfall.

In these past two years, I've gone through innumerable and indescribable changes, from starting high school to discovering my sexuality and to having my first panic attack. Throughout all of it, this book has been there, waiting for me to add just one more chapter, to reply to the growing stream of comments, to take another request and weave it into something unique. I am the machine; you are the creators. You are the minds, the method behind my madness. You have given me wonderful ideas, suggestions, and support throughout this beautiful journey, and I cannot thank you enough for it. However, in that vein, it's time for me to let go, and to give you the ending you deserve.

It was a year ago that I realized this book would go no further. I've gone an entire year, give or take a few weeks, knowing that I wouldn't be updating again, that I'd be letting you all down. Especially those who placed requests with me, trusting that I would write them for you- to you, I am sorry. In these two years, I have grown and I have changed. In this last one, I've undergone pressure and negativity that I hadn't thought possible, especially from my day-to-day life.

At fifteen years old, I understand that I have so much more to learn. I understand that I have the capacity to grow, to be more than I am, and I'm embracing that with open arms. I want to thank you all for taking this journey with me, and for giving me the endless support that I've grown to love. Perhaps you don't think your reads, your votes, or your comments mean anything, but I can assure you, they are fuel to a creative fire that needs all the help it can get, especially in today's society. You are a catalyst- a force no one can dampen. Keep reading, keep learning, and let no one douse your fire.

Today marks the end. From now on, this book is officially finished and closed. In a couple days, I'll be logging out for good and starting again on a new account. Perhaps I won't write, but I'll certainly read- if I can have one tenth of the impact you all have had on me, I'll be satisfied.

So, for the final time, thank you. Thank you for everything.

Love, Lily.

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