Chapter Ten : Arising Conflict

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Lynette shook her head. "No... I can't do it... Don't forget it still bear a grudge against you both." Professor Namsin sighed,"I thought that you would still... But I mean, won't you do it for Kaldrak? Being in such close proximity to a Lymer means that your success is almost guaranteed." He insisted, but Lynette refused to firmly. 

The Professor had wanted to enlist Lynette's help in investigating about the evil talismans the Lymers were creating. If she could smuggle one back or find out more about its dangers, the Riders would be able to better combat the Lymers. Each infused with much magic, an imformant helping the Riders had told them that these talismans were able to allow the Lymers to use magic and cause magical effects even if they were weakened and unable to cast. The talismans were rumoured be able to absorb magic, not only from their owners, but also from others who cast magic around it. Other than that use, it was also able to cast complicated and realistic disguises, corruption spells that caused objects or people to produce dark auras and send out magical energy from the ground or from themselves. To Lynette, that last purpose sounded suspiciously good for converting the Pearl into a dark magic spewing magical orb. 

However, despite the eminent threat against the Realm which was still recovering from the recent attack, it was not actually the grudge that Lynette beared that made her unwillingly to snoop around for more information on the talismans. It was her mother. She had tried her hardest to avoid all contact with anything that reminded her of the Lymers, like refusing to take part in most duties like helping to clean up the destroyed city. While it was selfish, she simply could not bring herself to engage in actions that reminded her of her mother, and how she was the Lymer's leader. 

And if this mission involved spying on the Lymers and looking for clues around the house... Lynette shuddered. It was likely she would meet her mother, and it was hard to imagine fighting her kin. She just didn't have the courage. 

"Oh well," Professor Namsin cleared his throat. "I guess you should go get prepared for the Sword Ceremony." Lynette nodded. She had practiced for the momentous occasion two days ago and we excited to get her own sword, which was almost like a milestone in her training as a Rider. Even if she was a little confused and upset about her mother's identity, she had already sworn to stay loyal to Kaldrak eternally. It was an oath she would follow all the same.

She nodded and hurried out. It was going to tak her much time to ever forgive them. Even so, she could feel the tight knot of anger in her chest slowly unraveling and loosening, allowing forgiveness to fill her heart. Perhaps with time, she would someday figure out everything, and iron out all the complications in her life. But for now, all she could do was to try to cope with the hectic confusion, try to find forgiveness, try to fix the mess. 


Lynette was thrilled to be able to get her own sword at the same time as Hanara and Cryscent, as they had both started training before her. Her fast progress had made her eligible for the ceremony one month before most other Riders who had joined around the same time as her. Every month, an exclusive ceremony would be held, only for about ten young Riders who would each receive a special sword, each unique and welded individually, made to suit their personalities, fighting skills and techniques. Even better, the swords could be imbuned with charms to provide benefits, and while Riders needed to be scored well by their Professors to get one, Lynette had scored high enough ratings to apply for a charm. Of course, the officials would consider the uses of the charm and dangerous ones were turned down. 

There was a spring in her step as she hurried to the Shelter. Normally, the grand ceremony would be held in the great castle, with many bells and whistles like a great band playing and thousands of guests watching as more young Riders climbed the ranks to become fully-fledge citizens of Kaldrak. However, the war had spared only the Shelter, hence a much simpler event would have to be held there. As she walked, Lynette pulled Guide to Practical Charms out of her bag, flipping through the pages and searching for the perfect charm that suited her. 

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