Chapter Eighteen : Bonds beyond Words

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3rd POV | Relgain

The interior of her chambers were dimly lit. The flickering lights maintained by dark magic spells cast eerie shadows across the space. From the viewpoint of anyone just entering the room, the only figure visible upon first glance would have been a slim female, swathed in dark purple robes, stretched out on a black and silver chaise lounge in the centre of the room. 

Her thin hair was almost as dark-coloured as her seat itself, and draped against the edge of the lounge, it seemed to stand out against the silvery ornate plating that covered the arm. It was a regal-looking seat and most certainly made of the finest ores and plush cushioning. 

Several matching pillows with tassels propped up the lady as she reclined in the chaise lounge, almost as if she was relaxing easily. However, as one's eyes adjusted to the dim surroundings, they would have soon noticed the slightly pained expression on her face, and the way her pale bony hands clutched a tiny glowing pebble to her chest.

A soft knock resounded through the otherwise completely silent area and the woman's head snapped upwards from gazing at the pebble. 

"My Lady..." A voice whispered from outside the room, although the doors remained shut. "They are here." 

The woman blinked once, almost as if the words took her a while to understand. Then she straightened in her chair, adjusting her position on the chaise lounge. Moments later, she called out once more to the visitor at the door.


The doors inched open, and a timid-looking face peeped around the door. The visitor was clearly intimidated by the woman in the room, and rightfully so. For she was the leader of the Lymers, Mrs Valeria Hann.

Behind the Lymer at the door stood a group of robed men, the most talented dark-magicians in the realm of Relgian. 

"Be quick," Lady Valeria snapped from on her chaise lounge, and the Lymer who had opened the door stepped back to allow the magicians to enter the room. They scurried in quickly, hands clasped together through the long sleeves of their thick robes, heads bowed, careful not to further anger their leader. They knew her to be the kind to exact her authority upon anyone who annoyed her.

As soon as the five men had entered her chambers, she ordered for the doors to be closed. The room returned to its dark, sinister state. 

"My Lady," The tallest of the men, their chief, spoke in reverent tones as they crowded around Valeria. "We are at your service. How may we help your Majesty?" He dipped his head once more, and the others followed. 

Valeria Hann sniffed contemptuously. "You lowly men," Her eyes narrowed. "Shouldn't you already know?" Truthfully, the magicians had been told nothing when their leader had called for them, but Lady Valeria enjoyed making her subjects uncomfortable. Just like she expected, the magicians squirmed nervously and the other four glanced apprehensively at their chief for direction. 

"Um... Y-y-your Majesty..." The normally eloquent man stuttered anxiously, truly unaware of the reason for their meeting. "I-i... Kill us please! We know nothing of what your Greatness called us here for!" He cowered away from her. Although talented in their magical crafts, the magicians were otherwise weak-willed and almost worshipped their leader.

Lady Valeria had to restrain herself from giggling in spitefulness as she watched the respectable magicians shiver under her gaze. Then, she straightened herself, and after giving them a few moments of silent suspense, she spoke again.

"My poor men," She said almost laughingly. "What a terrible crime you had committed; ignorance is most intolerable... by most. Buut... alas, as your great and compassionate leader," here she beamed egoistically, " I will spare your lives." 

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