The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage

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I love that text post sorry


"The only thing I desire is Louis. I'm sorry I can't let you take him." Harry stood his ground.

Mr. Ortiz laughed. It was a dark laugh that confused Harry.

"Son, even if you were to take the deal we wouldn't let you have Louis." The man clicked a button on his phone and began to speak. "Leanne get my men up here. I want Harry Styles out."

Harry's face dropped.

"It's such a shame... You only had him for two weeks." Mr. Ortiz stood up from his chair and walked up to the door, opening it just as the men were about to enter. "Just because I'm feeling nice let him go say bye to Louis, give him exactly 50 seconds and keep an ear and an eye on them."

All of a sudden Harry felt like his air supply had ran out. The only sound he could hear his heart beat racing and everything else was numbed. Chills grew on his arms but he was sweating at the same time. He saw two men come up to him and pick him up from the floor which he hadn't noticed he fell on.

"I-I can't b-breathe." He whimpered. He reached up to his face with a shaky hand and could feel the air coming out of his nose but he couldn't feel it coming in. When he touched his face he felt the wetness that came from the tears that feel from his eyes unknowingly.

"Help m-me." Was all Harry managed to say with a strained voice before his vision went blurry and he passed out.


The first thing Harry noticed when he woke up was the smell of sanitizer.

Harry had always hated the smell on hand sanitizer after experiencing a bit of an accident back In year 4 human school.

For extra credit the teachers asked for the kids to bring different supplies for the classroom, Harry had brought some copy paper. The kid who sat next to him, Travis, brought 3 tubs of hand sanitizer. During lunch for some reason he brought all three tubes because he wanted everyone to "have clean hands" before eating. Long story short someone thought it was funny to dunk most of the hazardous chemicals on Harry since he was the weird kid who had hex bags in his lunch box.

Let's not talk about middle school.

It took Harry a moment to open his eyes and realize he was on a bed. Not the comfy ones with mattresses and blankets the one you found in the clinic at school that we're basically one inch thick mats.

This entire place was a memory of human school and Harry hated it. He sat up in bed suddenly feeling weak and tired. Memory of the event that happened before he blacked out came flooding back into his mind.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he remembered Mr. Ortiz's words.

"Even if you were to take the deal we wouldn't let you have Louis."

Thoughts of sadness hit Harry like a tsunami, but he fought against them. Even if there was a small chance he could get Louis back he wasn't backing out now. If his friends were here they would tell him he's gone mad, he has only known Louis for two weeks. But everyone was right, there is an emotional connection between the two, and for some reason it was so strong that in the short span of two weeks Harry felt the need to everything he could to save Louis from these horrible people.

He looked around the room. There was a door but it was locked. There was a window, but it had bars on the inside. The only thing that was left in the room was another bed and some bandaging.

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