Interview with the vampire

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"You are here because you got a message?" Dean asked as Caroline exited the TARDIS after a change of shirt. The other one was ruined after the oldest Winchester had fired his gun at her and she wasn't all for running around in a shirt with a hole in it.

"Yes! This one." the Doctor said enthusiastically as he showed them the psychic paper with the words 'we need help' on it. Both brothers leaned forward to look at it and Caroline saw how Sam narrowed his eyes slightly.

"That looks like my handwriting!" Sam exclaimed and Dean looked at his brother with a confused expression on his face. The Doctor took an extra look at the paper before he turned his attention to Sam as well.

"You sent me a psychic message?" the Doctor asked, clearly impressed by Sam's ability to do so. Dean on the other hand was suddenly fuming.

"Anything you wanna tell me, Sam?" he asked with an accusing voice as he somehow managed to talk down to his taller brother.

"Dean, I swear, I have no idea how I did that. It was just a thought I had after we read about the vampire nest." Sam told his brother and his eyes were begging for Dean to believe him. The oldest Winchester stared at Sam for a long moment before he seemed to accept his words.

"Did you say vampire nest?" Caroline asked and she rolled her eyes as all three men jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Yes. A few hours drive from Pittsburgh. Anyone you know?" Dean said and he immediately seemed suspicious of her.

"No. I haven't been in the States for the three years and didn't know anything about any nests back then." Caroline retorted and crossed her arms over her chest while sending him a defiant look. "Why are you after the nest?"

"The vampires have gone rabid. They are killing people off faster than we can keep track of and we need to stop that." Sam told her and Caroline nodded understandingly.

"And you need help to take them down?" Caroline asked as she looked at the paper in the Doctor's hand.

"No. We can take care of this ourselves." Dean said and he was already moving towards his car, ready to leave.

"Dean... We can't do this alone." Sam called after him and Dean quickly spun on his heels to face his brother.

"So what do you suggest, Sam? That we take a vampire with us to kill other vampires? Because that sounds like a shitty plan." Dean told his brother and completely ignored Caroline's existence.

"Hey! Just because I am a vampire, doesn't mean that I am not willing to kill them. If they behave like you say they do, they are as much worth to me as they are to you." Caroline told Dean and stepped into his line of sight. He kept staring right past her for several seconds, but he finally gave in and met her eyes.

"What do you mean by 'what we say'? You think we're lying?" Dean then asked her and Caroline heard Sam sigh behind her.

"No. I'm just saying that there are usually two sides to every story. I'm not justifying what they have done in any way, but maybe you should keep in mind that they might not all be bad." she told him with confidence as she hoped he might understand what she was getting at. But all Dean did was to scoff and Caroline had to take a calming breath.

"They are monsters." Dean told her and leaned slightly backwards when

Caroline took a step closer to him.

"Those monsters, as you call them, were once humans. Human beings with a life and a future. Do you think that they chose this living dead thing? Because I sure as hell didn't. Maybe their humanity is gone, but you better be sure because otherwise you are just killing off innocents and that doesn't make you tad better than them." Caroline told him with a high voice and she had to concentrate to keep it steady.

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