Behind enemy lines

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"Bastards." Rana mumbled as she stepped inside the silent mansion. Apparently no one had noticed her disappearance, or maybe they just didn't care. Either way, Caroline was laughing, making Rana growl in annoyance.

She moved through the entrance hall and further inside the mansion towards the room from where Caroline had taken her. When she moved past a mirror in a hallway Rana stepped back and studied Caroline's face.

"I definitely need to do something about this." Rana said with distaste as she traced Caroline's fingers over her face and calmed a hand through her hair. "A little too blonde for my taste and too... bubbly." 

Oh hell no.

Rana then moved on and went into her room, where she opened a closet, revealing a collection of what could barely be called clothes. She dressed Caroline in a pair of high-waist leather shorts that barely hid any skin with a white crop top through which her black bra could be seen.

She pulled on a pair of biker boots and a tight black leather jacket before applying a dark eye make-up that made Caroline writhe inside her cage.

Slutty biker chick is so not my style.

Rana smiled wickedly at Caroline in the mirror and then waltzed out of the room while she yelled throughout the mansion to wake its occupants.

"Good morning, Vietnam!"

When she believed everyone had heard her, she placed herself on a chaise longue that stood in a spacious room, which appeared to be some sort of living room with multiple sofas and chairs. Empty bottles were spread over most surfaces and the smell of alcohol and rotten flesh would have made Caroline's stomach turn if her body had actually been connected with her mind.

"Who the hell are you?" a voice growled from the doorway and Caroline's head turned to look at the gruff-looking man, who was in his mid-thirties and clearly hadn't seen a shower for some days.

"Relax, Vincent. It's me, Rana." Rana told him and flashed her demon eyes for a couple of seconds. "I just found a new suit. A more powerful one."

"When did you do that?" Vincent asked as his eyes blatantly took in the sight of Caroline's body and especially all of the skin Rana had decided to expose.

"Well, while you shitheads were asleep my other suit was kidnapped by this beauty, who was helping the Winchesters, but they didn't know I was possessing the other vampire so I figured I'd take this one instead. She's a little feisty, but more valuable than anyone I've ever possessed." Rana explained as Vincent slumped down on one of the sofas. He didn't get to answer before three more vampires showed and interrupted.

"Rana, is that you?" a female asked and untangled herself from the arm around her shoulder to move closer to the blonde. Caroline's head nodded and she then winked to a man, who had just stepped into the room. Caroline's heart dropped as soon as she realized the relationship between the man and Rana.

What do you know; even demons have relationships. But that is gonna be over my dead body.

The same questions kept being repeated as the living room filled with all the vampire residents and Caroline soon realized that they were all demons.

They were all vampires, who had been possessed and that was probably the main reason for their unhinged gluttony of human blood. They had no restrictions whatsoever and just followed their primal instinct without thinking about who they might attract.

Characteristics of a demon: 1. Arrogant as hell (good one, Caroline – you're going insane). 2. Pretty much the embodiment of that Sigmund Freud 'ego' thing (what a great thing a high school education is). 3. Normally latches on to humans, which means they have possessed whatever little humanity that is left in these vampires. I wonder if Rana knows that I'm going through her head? If she even has a head? 4. They will all be dead when I get my hands on them.

"So the Winchesters are coming? Do they really think they have a chance against us?" the man with whom Rana had flirted asked with an amused smile on his face. Apply rule number one about demons here.

"They are following this man called the Doctor, who thinks he can rescue the girl inside this meat suit. 'Caroline' is her name. But I wouldn't worry. The man seemed scrawny and harmless and this body is stronger than all of yours together. And I can feel there is something more that she is keeping hidden from me." Rana told the other demons and Vincent suddenly stood up.

That's right, demon. I'll never show you my other party tricks.

"What do you mean that she is hiding something from you? Don't you have full control?" he asked rudely and a couple of the other demons stood up as well.

"She is strong. And she's fighting with everything she got, but I got her under control." Rana hissed and the tension in the room increased as she stood up from the chaise longue.

"You have to waste her. If she is as strong as you say, we can't risk her taking back control." Vincent retorted with clenched fists and his eyes became pitch black.

"She is too valuable to waste. You won't believe how powerful she is. With this body we could take down the Vampire Alpha. We could create a whole army of vampire-demons." Rana told them passionately and they looked at her with doubtful glares.    

"If you don't waste her, I will send you back to hell, Rana." Vincent warned and when Rana refused to listen again, Caroline felt how her mind began to clear as something got caught in her throat.

He's exorcising her! Bad move, Vince. No stopping me now.

When Caroline's hands suddenly twisted Vincent's head around and ripped it off with a crunching sound, Caroline internally groaned in annoyance.

The noise of Vincent's head landing on the floor seemed loud in the deadly silence and as soon as the smoke that was the demon Vincent had disappeared, Rana laid back down on the chaise longue, accepting a towel from 'flirty man' to dry the blood off her hands.  

"That is what this body can do. And I have control." Rana told them calmly, the underlining challenge clear in her voice. She was more than willing to show off more of Caroline's skills and Caroline felt like gagging.

"Now, the Winchesters won't be coming for the girl tonight. They need to plan this I'm sure as they already know how many we are. So we can relax tonight. Have a drink. We'll be ready for them in the morning."

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