Hell no

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This can't be happening. Please tell me this isn't happening. Oh God, this is happening. I have someone inside of me and not in the good way. Stop being a pervert, Caroline. Dean and Sam! I have to warn them! Jesus, the look on their faces. Okay, no need telling them. They know. And I'm going to die.

"Quite the chatty one I've gotten here." Rana told the Winchesters and their gazes became darker as they slowly stepped closer with their machetes raised. "And she's all strong and fast isn't she? I like this one, I can have fun in this one."

This is bad. Well, it can't get worse. Of course it can! I can get killed!

"I heard evil laughter." a voice suddenly said from behind and Caroline's body swirled around to look at the funny-looking man, who had just exited the blue box in the middle of the barn. "I don't like evil laughter."

No! No, Doctor, run! Run, God damn it!

"Doctor! Get back in!" Dean's voice rang and Rana looked over her shoulder to see that Sam and Dean had come dangerously close. When she ran towards the Doctor with supernatural speed, Caroline froze in fear and Rana stopped only a few feet from the Doctor.

"What happened?!" the Doctor demanded in a dangerous voice as he stared at Caroline's face with angrily. Instead of answering, the brothers quickly moved closer and Caroline realized that she had completely stopped moving.

"What happened?!" the Doctor yelled again when no one answered and withdrew his sonic screwdriver from his pocket. "And why isn't she moving?"

"Caroline is possessed by a demon. I'm sorry, Doc, but we have to kill her." Dean told the Doctor as he stood behind the blonde, ready to separate her head from her body.

"Why isn't she moving?" the Doctor asked with a low voice as he started scanning her with the screwdriver.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a trick. Now, step away." Dean said, but instead the Doctor stepped even closer to Rana, making Caroline scream at him from where she was trapped inside herself.

"Why aren't you moving, Demon?" the Doctor asked Rana and stared at the results of his scanning for a long moment before returning his attention to the blonde vampire.

"Because this bitch isn't letting me." Rana wheezed through Caroline's teeth and a smile slowly grew on the Doctor's face.

Wait, I'm controlling the body now? No, I just made sure she couldn't move, when she tried to hurt the Doctor. Still, I'm awesome.

"Good girl." the Doctor whispered to her and winked, clearly talking to the trapped Caroline. He then looked at Dean and Sam, who still had their weapons raised and got in between them and Caroline.

"You will not touch a hair on that girl, do you understand? Caroline is still in there and I very much intend to get whatever possessed her out. And you lads are going to help." the Doctor told the Winchesters as he pointed at them.

They were both far from happy with that scenario, but on the other hand no one in their right mind went against the Doctor and they had never seen anyone fight a demon the way Caroline did.

"Go to your car and find a place to stay. I will find you with the TARDIS. Caroline will let the demon take her back to the nest where she will wait for us." the Doctor told them and they both looked between him and Caroline's body for a long moment before they slowly moved backwards towards the Impala.

"And you. You hang in there. You are strong, Caroline, and full of light. You can fight this thing. I will come for you. I promise." the Doctor told Caroline as he stood in front of her and looked at her with ill-hidden worry. Somehow Caroline managed to smile a little and she felt how Rana was pushing and pulling to take control again.

The Doctor placed a quick kiss on Caroline's forehead and then disappeared in the TARDIS the same moment that Caroline lost control and Rana stumbled forward.

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