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Harry's POV

I knew of a hotel near by, I could stay there for the night. I signaled for a taxi and told the middle aged man the address of the hotel. It was about twenty minutes away from the Horan's. I arrived in front of the hotel and thanked the nice man and paid the fee for the lift. Also making sure to thank him for his service. I then made my may into the hotel.

It was a pretty nice hotel. I have known of this place for a while now but never got the chance of being inside till now. It just sucks an unfortunate event had to happen for me to stay here. When you first walk in there is a lounge to the right with a chairs and a single couch with a fireplace build into the wall. To the left is a couple computers for the guests to use. There was a giant stair case that led to the second floor. Then straight ahead was the front desk.

I booked a room for an over night. I was handed my key before I walked up to the second floor. Once I found room 211 I opened the door and stepped into my room. One king size bed right in the middle of the room and a bathroom. I set my bag on my bed before opening it before grabbing my plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt. I took a rinse off shower to relax my muscles.

After my quick shower I grabbed my laptop from my bag before laying on the bed. I really needed to talk to them. My mum and Gemma were the only ones I had left. I opened my laptop and went into skype and clicked on my sisters icon. It rung a few times as I waited for her to pick up. She finally did her face popped up on the screen.

"HazzaBear!" She shouted out of excitement. She soon realized my mood was not matching hers. "Haz, is Niall alright?" I couldn't respond with all the crying I was doing. "Is Niall okay?" Gemma looked more concerned every second I didn't say anything. I nodded my head.

"Haz, that's great! Why are you crying then?" she seemed confused.

"Niall ended things between us." I wiped my bloodshot eyes before looking at my mum.

"Haz...I'm sorry. I know you two will work it out."

"I hope so. I'm staying at a hotel for the night and I will be on a flight back to Cheshire tomorrow morning."

"I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you!"

"You too, bye." The screen turned black after that. I closed my laptop, setting it on the end table next to the bed. I laid down hoping to get some rest.

My phone buzzed making me jump a little. I grabbed it hoping it was Niall, but it wasn't


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