Twist of Fate

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Niall's POV:

"It kinda shook me. I was not expecting to see him there." I told my best friend Liam.

"Maybe it's a twist of fate. Maybe that encounter is pointing to you guys being ready to get back together."

"I honestly don't know. It was just so weird. We here talking to eachother like we were highschool buddy's that hadn't seen eachother in years." I waved my hands around viciously.

"That's not uncommon. You guys love each other. So, now you are going to text him and ask if he wants to meet up somewhere."

"Li-" I started to protest but I was stopped scolding me.

"Ni, it has been a month. I know you said you wanted to get back with him on your own time but, when is that time? You have come so far from the person you were a month ago. You're so much happier now but missing something, half your heart and you know who has it?"

That's an obvious question.


"Text him."

To: Harry

Was wondering if you wanted to meet up to have lunch and catch up?


The next chapter will be the last chapter for this book.

All the Love, Teenage Dirtbag x

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