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Niall's POV:

I groaned as I rolled on my side. I tried to avoid the light that beamed through the window. My head was pounding. I should have not gone out to the pub last night. I reached out next to me finding it empty. The sheets were now cold, Harry had gotten up awhile ago. I sat up trying to keep my eyes closed as much as I could without running into something. I put on a pair of sweatpants I found on the floor before leaving our bedroom. 

Harry sat at one of the bar stools eating a bowl of Captain Crunch. He was reading something in the newspaper. I had now invaded the kitchen. I got two aspirin out of the cupboard and a glass of water before swallowing the pills. 

"Good Morning." I said leaning against the counter across from Harry. 

"Morning." He replied not lifting his eyes from the newspaper article spread across the whole page. I leaned closer to him getting a glance at the article; sports. I could sense the awkward atmosphere. 

"Fucking hell, I have such a hangover. My head is pounding." I partially whined. 

"That is what you get for going out last night and getting plastered." Harry lifted his gaze away from the paper, making eye contact with me. I dropped my head hitting it against the counter.

"I am never going out drinking with the lads every again. They are the reason for me being plastered." I mumbled and groaned right after. Harry laughed. "Why are you laughing while your boyfriend is in pain!" Wasn't really a question but more of a statement. I sat down next to him at the counter. 

"'Drunk Niall' is a pretty funny lad." I raised my eyebrows a little amused by his statement but also a little confused. "You are very emotional while drunk, love." That explains the tear tracks on my face when I woke up. 

"Oh, so I have been told, he's my alter ego." Harry laughed. I cracked a smile just watching him. "Why was I crying?"

"I said something about sober you. You thought you had a twin! I told you his name was Nate and told you he was older. Then you started to cry. Then you said something along the lines of 'Why didn't Greg tell me.' I got one hell of a kick out of the whole situation." I laughed so hard I almost fell off of my bar stool. 

"So I have a older twin named Nate and Greg never told." 

"Yep." He laughed. 

"Nate and Niall Horan. It's got a nice ring to it." I laughed. "I wish I had a twin. I can't believe you let me cry over my imaginary twin. You are a horrible boyfriend." I jokingly gasped holding my chest."I can't wait till 'Drunk Harry' shows up, I'll wreck you." I laughed. 

Harry stood up from his spot and kissed my temple. "Good luck with that baby."

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