Autumn never came back last night and I need to go to the grocery store. Now that I think of it neither did Louis. I need to call them and ask where in the heck they are at. We only have one car and it's Ashton's car.
"Courtney. Get down here." I tell from the kitchen.
"You call Autumn and ask where shes at and I'll call Louis." I say getting my phone out.
"Shes at some hotel."
"How do you know?"
"She called me last night. She said that she don't want to come back here and wants to leave."
"Why didn't she call me too? Is she okay? Did she say anything about Louis?" I'm starting to panic but I'm not sure why. I don't like the thought of Autumn being alone at a hotel.
"I don't know Sherlock Homo!" She starts to laugh.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Well I need to call Louis."
"You go girl." And she leaves the room.
*Before you blow my phone up with calls, I'm around the corner from the house.
*okay. Have you heard of Autumn?
*No. Sorry. I tried finding her but i couldn't..
I don't reply back. This means I have to walk to which ever hotel shes at and get the car. Great.
"Louis! You're back!" i turn around and Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Calum, Michael and Ashton running down the stairs with their arms open to hug Louis.
"Where'd you go?" Harry asks.
"To try and find her.."
"Autumn. I didn't find Autumn." Louis's face flashes red. Does Harry know?
"We'll find her. Promise." I say and rub Louis's back.
My feet are killing me and I'm not evn half way to the hotel. Why did he have to cheat? And Autumn. Why? I don't understand. They would never cheat on one another but i guess i was wrong. Although Autumn technically did not cheat, she still ruined her relationship with Louis.
"Emily?" some girl with long brown hair and real skinny catches me off guard. And looks oddly familiar.
"Oh umm yeah. I would say your name but I don't know you." I give her a fake smile.
"I'm Eleanor. Louis has told me so much about you and his other friends. He showed me pictures of you too. That's how i know what you look like."
"Are you related to Louis?"i Ask.
"Oh no. I'm his girlfriend." She laughs a little but I'm not even smiling.
"Girlfriend? Please!"
"I really am. We've been dating for a few weeks now."
"I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks but you and him are nothing. He is with my friend Autumn that have been dating for quiet a while." So that's the girl that texted Louis and i seen.
"Autumn? I'm sorry but I said my name was Eleanor." She smiles and it looks so hideous i want to smack her.
"Listen here, Eleanor. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but if i catch you texting, calling, seeing or speaking to Louis, I will find you, beat the living shit out of you and bury you into a hole and cover it back up so you can't breathe or see the light because you don't deserve to see or breath the same things i do after saying you and Louis are dating because you're not. You are as ugly as hell if not uglier and I can assure you that Louis likes some meat on his girlfriend. You are nothing but a stuck up bitch that's skinnier than a toothpick." I feel a little better now. I'm still angered about her and him.