Chapter 1

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New Years Eve 1959
Kennedy Compound-Main House

"I really think you should consider the presidency." Joe Sr. urged Jack. Jack never wanted to be a politician anyways, that was supposed to be Joe Jr.'s job.
"I am dad. Can we enjoy one evening without politics? Please?" Jack told him frustrated.
"Seriously Jack..." Joe Sr. trailed off as Jack walked away to find Jackie. She could be anywhere since the whole Kennedy Clan was there partying.
"Hey, Jack! Why don't you have a couple rounds with us before the New Year?" Peter asked offering him a shot.
"Sure, why not?" Jack sat down with his brother in laws and had a few. "Alright guys, I need to go find Jackie." said Jack casually.
"Oooh Jack's gonna go get some!" Ted said childishly.
"Shut up Ted! You're just jealous." Jack hollered as he stormed off towards the beach.
Jack found Jackie sitting on the beach.
"Hey Jacq," Jack said as he sat down beside her.
"Hi." Jackie sweetly replied.
"We need to talk seriously about...uh..." Jack stammered.
"About what Jack?" Jackie questioned.
"The presidency." Jack managed to get out.
"Jack, you aren't serious are you? I thought you didn't want to?"
"Well, I've thought about it and...I think it's the right thing to do. Plus, it will get my dad off my back." Jack told her.
"Oh Jack! If that's what you want then go for it! I know we can get into the White House. I'm so excited!" Jackie exclaimed.
"How excited?" Jack asked playfully while kissing her neck.
"Senator Kennedy beha-"
"Hey guys, there's five min- oh get a room!" Bobby said embarrassed.
"Go away Bobby." Jack urged him. Bobby ran away rather quickly. "God, we get no privacy with him." Shortly after that the sky lit up with fireworks.
"Happy New Year Jackie!" Jack said.
"Oh Jack, I can't wait to see what 1960 brings. I love you Baby." Jackie said in her breathy voice.
"I love you too Jacqs"
The couple went to their house where Caroline was already asleep. They went into their bedroom and got ready for bed.
"I suppose I should tell them tomorrow?" Jack questioned.
"Honey, it's up to you. Remember you will have to publicly announce it soon." Jackie replied.
"Over brunch tomorrow. I can't hold it in any longer."
"Sounds lovely. Goodnight Jack. I love you!"
"Love you too Jacqs."
They fell asleep in each other's arms. They were both very excited for the future and Jack couldn't wait to tell everyone.

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