Chapter 6

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George Washington Hospital
Emergency Room

     Jack helped Jackie walk in as fast as he could and went to the nurses station.
     "My wife needs a Doctor now!" Jack shouted. He tried to stay calm but he was very worried.
      "Sir, please have a seat. We will get to your wife as quick as we can." The aid said.
       "Do you know who I am? Because if you do, you're not treating me very well." Jack asked her trying to sound like he was special.
        "I'm sorry sir I don't." The lady replied getting very fed up with Jack. By now, Jack was fuming.
         "Jack calm down. Please." Jackie groaned. Jack ignored her and continued,
         "I'm John Kennedy the-"
         "Mr. Senator I'm very sorry. Right this way." The lady replied.
         "Um, my wife?" He snapped.
         "Let me get a wheelchair, just a moment." She said walking away.
         "Jack it's alright. It really is." Jackie pleaded.
         "No it's not." That's all Jack could say before the aid got back with the wheelchair. She and Jack helped Jackie into the wheelchair. They flew down the hallway and into emergency room three. A couple nurses came in and began some general tests. Soon later a doctor came in and introduced himself,
          "Hello, I'm Doctor Miller. What brings you in today."
          "Hello. Today I was feeling more tired that usual. At supper time, I was feeling poorly and went to the restroom. When I stood up, I felt dizzy. I think I passed out but I don't remember what happened after I got into the bathroom." Jackie replied. Doctor Miller scribbled everything onto the paper.
            "Okay I need to run a few tests. Mr. Kennedy could you wait in the hallway please? A nurse will get you a chair. Thank you." Doctor Miller told Jack. He nodded and walked outside the room.
           "Here you go Mr. Kennedy." A nurse said bringing him a chair. 
         "Thank you very much." Jack told her sitting down. His back hurt terribly from helping Jackie. He wouldn't want it any other way though. "Oh Jackie, please be okay. I can't handle this." He thought to himself followed by a short prayer. It had already felt like he had been sitting out there forever.
         Meanwhile, Doctor Miller had finished the tests. Jackie was feeling a little better.
         "Ok, I need to go get the results back from the lab. Would you like me to have Mr. Kennedy come back in here?" He asked.
          "Yes please. Thank you." Jackie replied. Jack came back in the room.
         "Hey kid. I think this will be good news." Jack said.
         "Why do you say that?" Jackie asked.
         "He smiled great big when he walked past me." Jack told her smiling.
         "We can only hope." Jackie said reassured. Not too long later, Doctor Miller walked in.
"Well I can say there is nothing severely wrong in my opinion." Doctor Miller started, "Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, congratulations, you have a little one on the way."
"Oh Jack!" Jackie beamed, "I'm so happy. We did it!"
"We sure did, kid." Jack replied. "Thank you Doctor. Can I count on your vote later on?" Jack chuckled.
"Of course Senator Kennedy." Doctor Miller said to Jack. The Kennedys then left and went on their way. The car ride back to N Street was very quiet but happy.
           "Should we tell Bobby tonight?" Jack asked.
           "Jack, I think we have to. What else are we going to tell him?" Jackie said. The two thought in silence until Jack came up with an idea,
"We'll tell him you just got the flu."
Jackie looked at him and said, "That will never go over. Let's just tell him and make him keep quiet." Jack shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"Eh, okay." Soon later, they arrived at their house. Jackie was feeling much better; probably because they gave her some painkillers. The two walked inside holding hands very happily. Bobby was sitting in the chair rocking Caroline. She was almost asleep.
"Well, what did we find out." Bobby asked a little confused.
"You have to promise me you'll keep quiet." Jack smirked. Jackie just stood there grinning ear to ear. The wait was killing her. She had to tell someone. Before Bobby promised to keep quiet, Jackie whispered in his ear,
"Congratulations Uncle Bobby!" Bobby sat there in shock.
"No way! Congrats guys!" Bobby said cheerfully. No one spoke terribly loud because Caroline was still asleep.
          "Now Bobby you mustn't tell anyone." Jackie told him. Bobby shook his head in understanding.
           "We are all tired. Let's get some rest." Jack said picking up Caroline. Bobby and Jackie followed them upstairs. Jack put Caroline in her crib and went to his room. Jackie was already tucked in. Jack put his pajamas on and crawled in. Jackie rolled over and traced circles on his chest.
             "I'm so happy, Jack." Jackie whispered. Jack replied,
             "Me too, Kid." Jack embraced her.
             "I'm not going to be able to campaign as long. Will this ruin your chances?" Jackie asked insecurely.
             "Of course not. We will tell the public and you can do some interviews or something from here at home." Jack reassured her. "You can do anything you feel like doing. Towards the end, I don't think you should be going on the big trips with me."
              "Thank you, Honey." Jackie said. "I love you."
              "I love you too, Kid." Jack replied. The two were asleep in no time.

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