Chapter 4

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February 25, 1960
Hoffman House Hotel, Boscobel, Wisconsin

        It was about 9:30 when the Kennedys' black sedan pulled up to the hotel in Boscobel. Mel Olson, the owner of Mel's Bar across the street, greeted them as they got out of the car,
        "Good morning Senator Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy, how was your trip?"
        "It was lovely, thank you Mr. Olson." Jackie replied with a smile.
        "Fine. Thank you, Mel." Jack said as if he was talking to an old friend.
        "Mr. Kennedy we do have an issue." Mel told him.
        "What might that be?" Jack questioned.
        "I asked if the hotel could seat 100 people and they told me yes." said Mel.
"So...what's the problem?" Jack asked, puzzled.
"They can't do all 100 at one time." Mel said in a sorry tone before asking, "can you sit through two breakfasts?"
"Anything to get more support." Jack reassured him.
"Thank you, Mr. Senator." Mel replied a little more at ease.
The three walked into the hotel. Jack and Jackie decided to check into their room before it started since they would have a grand entrance at the breakfast. The Kennedys were in room 19. It was a large suite with a king size bed.
"Well," Jack started, "This ought to be a fun day, Kid." He remarked as he winked at Jackie.
"Senator Kennedy, what have I told you?" Jackie snarked playfully.
"I'm very sorry Mrs Kennedy, but I can't restrain myself." Jack said being a smart ass."
"Later, Jack. I promise" Jackie smiled as she embraced him. About that time, Bobby came in,
"Jack, Ja-"
"Damn it Bobby!" Jack snapped at him.
            "Sorry, sorry. They're ready for you though." Bobby apologized.
            "Thank you, Bobby," Jackie replied. Bobby left and Jack and Jackie got ready to go.
            "God, you can never catch a break with him." Jack complained.
            "Jack it's never going to get better. You're going to have to learn to deal with it. Come on let's go." Jackie said. They walked to the conference room where the breakfast would be held.
"Please welcome Senator John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy!" the announcer said over the loudspeaker. Everyone in the room stood up and clapped. The Kennedys were given a very warm welcome.
Jack and Jackie began to walk in holding hands. Jack squeezed Jackie's hand tighter. She was very surprised because Jack never wanted to show this much affection in public. They got to the head table where there was a small podium and microphone. Jack began to speak,
"Thank you. Thank you." The claps and cheers died out as everyone took their seats. Jack made a speech and then answered a few questions. They concluded and that group left. About 30 minutes later, they began the second breakfast. It went just as well as the first. However, Jack kept subtly and discreetly trying to come onto Jackie.
                "Jack quit. Not here." Jackie quietly scolded him. He replied,
                "Today is they day Jackie. Let's try."
                "Later Jack." Jackie said. The breakfast finished and they went to freshen up in their room.
                "Finally." Jack said as they got to the door. They had previously talked to Mel and they would tour Boscobel in two hours.
Before Jackie could do anything, Jack had pinned her against the wall.
"Oh Jack." Jackie moaned. They became a moaning mess and moved to the bed. After a while, they laid there, still before Jack piped up,
"Do you think we did it?" Jack asked breathing heavily.
"We'll find out sooner or later." Jackie said with a smile. They finally decided to actually "freshen up". As Jack walked into the bathroom, he told Jackie,
"Bobby didn't interrupt us this time!"
"I know, isn't it wonderful." Jackie replied. About five minutes later Bobby comes walking in.
"What the hell is taking so long? People are going to start thinking things!" Bobby complained to Jack.
"So what Bobby? Why should you care? You already have seven kids. Do you think they don't think things about you?" Jack yelled back.  
                "You two settle down. Bobby we were just coming." Jackie told the two.
                They toured the rest of Boscobel with Mel. One place they went was Mel's Tavern. After a drink, they continued on their way. Jack and his campaign team that went thanked Mel for his hospitality. Soon they were off to the next campaign stop.

Author's Note
I'm sorry that I didn't get this done sooner like I said I would. Our last basketball game for tonight ran a little long. It was rough, like a street fight. I'm not kidding either. I took an elbow to the face right between the eyes. I don't have a concussion but I wasn't really "with it".
We still won. We're now in the Sweet Sixteen and one step closer to a National Championship.

Thank you all for reading and being patient. It means a lot!!

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