Chapter 5

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March 4, 1960

     The Kennedys had a one week break in campaigning starting February 29. Jackie and Caroline were at home relaxing while Jack was at work. Jack had a lot of work to catch up on.
      "Are you ready for some lunch Caroline?" Jackie asked.
"Yes, Mommy." Caroline replied. Jackie went to the kitchen and put a casserole in the oven.
"Lunch will be ready shortly, Sweetie," Jackie said as she walked back into the living room where Caroline was.
"Okay, Mommy," replied Caroline while still playing with her toys. 20 minutes later, the oven started beeping.
        "Caroline, I think lunch is ready." Jackie told her as she walked into the kitchen. Caroline got up from playing and followed her mother in the kitchen. She crawled up to a chair at the breakfast bar.
         "Do you want to eat here?" Jackie asked her. Caroline nodded her head. Jackie fixed a plate for Caroline and asked,
         "Would you like orange juice or milk to drink?" Caroline replied,
         "Milk please." in her two year old voice. Jackie fixed her own plate and the two ate.
"This is yummy Mommy!" Caroline shouted.
"I'm glad you like it," Jackie said. Not long later, they were both finished eating. Caroline got down and went to play with her dolls while Jackie did the dishes. After Jackie was done with the dishes, she took Caroline upstairs to put her down for a nap. Jackie was feeling rather tired herself so she took Caroline into her and Jack's room so they could nap together. 
Meanwhile, Jack had finished his work at the senate so he came home. He had talked to Bobby who had a meeting very early the next morning. Jack invited him over for supper and to stay the night so he wouldn't have to drive so far so early. Bobby had went home to get some clothes and would be to Jack and Jackie's at 6:00.
"Jackie, Jackie," Jack said trying to wake up his wife.
"What, what time is it?" Jackie asked very shaken.
             "It's four o'clock. There's no problem. Except for Bobby. Bobby is a problem." Jack told her. "He has a meeting about the campaign very early in the morning. I told him he could come for supper and stay the night so he wouldn't have to drive as far. Is that alright?" Jack asked.
              "It doesn't matter to me, Jack. What time will he be here?" Jackie questioned.
              "He'll be here around 6. Don't do anything fancy, it's Bobby." Jack joked.
              "Okay, we'll have Ramen Noodles." Jackie said playfully.
              "Jackie, a little fancier than that. We have to make it sound like we are better than him." Jack said followed by a patch of silence. "I'm just kidding!" They both laughed after that. Jack and Jackie laid and watched Caroline sleep for a while.
              "I supposed I should go fix some dinner." Jackie sighed.
              "Probably so." Jack replied. Jackie went downstairs to the kitchen. She began fixing dinner. Jackie found some chicken breasts in the freezer so she baked those and made some rice to go with them. Just as she finished seasoning them, Bobby walked in.
              "I'm here!" Bobby announced like he owned the place. Jackie replied,
              "Hi, Bobby. You can take your things to the guest bedroom."
              "Thanks, Jacq." He said. Bobby walked upstairs to the guest bedroom.
              "Hey, Bob." Jack said as he walked past carrying Caroline. They all sat in the living room waiting for supper to be finished. Bobby and Jack talked about the campaign while Caroline played and Jackie got up to finish supper.
               "It's ready!" Jackie hollered from the kitchen. She sat the table as they walked in the dining room. They filled their plates, Jackie filling Caroline's. There wasn't much talk as Jack and Bobby were hungry and tired.
               "Jackie, this is wonderful." Bobby complimented Jackie's cooking.
               "It isn't much, but thank you." She replied graciously. They continued to eat. Jackie began feeling poorly.
              "Excuse me." She said as she got up walking rather quickly to the bathroom. The other three continued eating. Five minutes had passed and Jackie still wasn't back.
              "I'm going to check on her." Jack said in a wavering voice. Jack went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Jackie? Are you alright?" He asked.
            "I don't know. Come in here please." Jackie told him sobbing.
            "What's wrong?"
            "Jack I don't know. I felt a little nauseous and tired. After I stood up, I felt dizzy. I think fell down and I'm not sure what happened after that." Jackie continued to sob.
             "Shall we go to the doctor?" Jack asked.
             "I feel sorry for leaving Bobby with Caroline." Jackie said.
           "They'll be fine. He understands. Trust me." Jack said helping her stand up. He got her to the couch and went to talk to Bobby.
              "Is everything ok?" Bobby asked.
             "I don't know. She isn't feeling well and thinks she passed out. I think we need to go to the emergency room. Will you keep Buttons?" Jack told him.
                 "Of course Jack. Whatever you need." Bobby replied. Jack and Jackie rushed to the emergency room.

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