Chapter 8

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Wednesday Night
Lyndon's Hotel Room

"You mean your Vice President?" Lyndon questioned in disbelief.
"Yes. Would you?"
"Of course sir, I'd be honored." Lyndon replied shaking his hand. As always, he talked in that Texas accent that Bobby loathed.
   "Thank you. We will announce it at the convention tomorrow." Jack replied somewhat relieved yet stressed out at the same time. He wasn't sure if Lyndon would agree but he realized that Lyndon is unpredictable.
   "You're welcome sir and thank you. Is there anything else you need?" Lyndon questioned.
   "I don't think so. I'll be going now, good night." Jack said as he got up to leave.
   "Uh, Jack? May I tell my wife?" Lyndon stopped him before he walked out the door.
   "Of course. Just tell her not to say anything until after we formally announce it."
   "Will do. Goodnight sir." Lyndon replied. He tried not to show it but he was thrilled. He couldn't wait to call Ladybird.
   "Goodnight, Lyndon." Jack hollered as he walked out the door. He walked back to his room where he would call Jackie. After he left, Lyndon called Ladybird.
   "Hello, you've reached the Johnsons'" Ladybird answered.
   "Hello, darlin'," Lyndon replied.
   "Hi! How have you been?"
   "I couldn't be better."
   "What? You aren't nervous about the nomination tomorrow?"
   "No need to be."
   "What do you mean?" Ladybird was very confused now.
   "Senator Kennedy asked me to be his running mate." Ladybird was silent after Lyndon said this.
   "You've got to be kidding me? That's wonderful!" Ladybird was very happy now.
   "You can't tell anyone until after it is formally announced tomorrow."
   "Oh I won't. I promise."
   "Thank you." They continued to talk about other things before hanging up and going to bed.
   Jack had got back to his room and he called Jackie.
   "Hello, this is Jackie Kennedy," answered Jackie.
   "Hey kid." Jack replied.
   "Bunny! I'm so happy!"
   "I know, me too. So I have something to tell you."
   "What is it Jack?" Jackie asked becoming a little concerned.
   "I asked Lyndon Johnson to be my running mate."
   "Why not Symington?"
   "I'm trying to save my ass."
   "Oh, about y-your..." Jackie stuttered  Jack finished her sentence,
   "Womanizing, yes, and my health, Addison's and what not."
   "Okay Jack."
   "How have you three been?"
   "Oh we've been great. Caroline misses you."
   "Just Caroline?" asked Jack in a flirtatious tone.
   "Well, of course I miss you too."
   "Anyways, I take it you watched the convention?"
   "I wouldn't miss it. We went to Hickory Hill so Ethel and I could watch it together."
   "Great. What was your reaction?"
   "First of all, I was a total basket case. Ethel was trying to calm me down and then Governor Stevenson came on. I squeezed Ethie's hand and closed my eyes. When he announced your name I started crying."
   "That's wonderful. I hope they were tears of joy?"
   "Of course."
   "Did any of the children say anything." Jackie giggled before saying,
   "Yes, I was crying and Ethel hugged me. Kathleen and Joseph came and asked what was wrong. I told them what happened and that I was happy. Joseph said, 'That's awesome!" 
   "I'm glad they are happy. I'm going to let you go. Tomorrow will be a big day."
   "I need to go to bed too. Goodnight!"
   "I miss you."
   "I miss you too. Goodnight Bunny"
   "Love ya kid."
   "Love you too Bunny."
   Jack hung up and got ready to go to bed. He decided after he put his pajamas on that he should talk to Bobby. Bobby's room was right beside his so he walked over there in his pjs. Jack knocked on the door. Bobby answered,
   "Come in Jack." Jack took a seat and Bobby started talking, "Listen I'm sorry about earlier. I was a total ass and this is your time not mine."
   "Bob it's okay."
   "Just so you know, I'll finish out your campaign this year but you'll have to find a new manager in '64. I need to do my own thing."
   "Okay." Jack said. "Lyndon agreed. We will formally announce it tomorrow."
   "Alright. If you need anything else, let me know."
   "Will do, Bob. Thanks."
   "Anytime brother."
   Jack got up to go back to his room. "Goodnight Bobby."
   "Goodnight Jack." They all went to bed. Their future ahead was bright, however, only time would tell how bright.

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