Chapter 9

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Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena
Los Angeles, California
July 11-15, 1960

Thursday, July 14, 1960

Everyone was at the convention bright and early Thursday morning. They were told that there was important information that needed to be discussed; the sooner the better.
   Governor Adlai Stevenson, who became the unofficial emcee, came on stage and began to speak,
   "Thank you all for coming out so early. It has come to our attention that Senator Kennedy has chosen a running mate." The crowd gasped along with the vice presidential candidates who were not aware of this yet. Stevenson continued, "He has chosen Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson. This will have to be voted on. This will be carried by voice vote at 11:00 am promptly. Meanwhile, people talked and listened to speeches by a few politicians.
   Eleven o'clock came and everyone returned to their seats. Chairman Henry M. Jackson came on stage to announce the vote.
   "Good morning. We will do this in a standard voice voting procedure. All in favor will say aye, opposed nay. Without further ado, we will vote on Lyndon Baines Johnson as the 1960 democratic vice presidential candidate. All in favor of Lyndon B. Johnson as the vice presidential candidate say aye," much of the crowd replied "aye".
   "Opposed nay." He finished. Less replied. To some, it may have sounded like more said nay than aye.
   "Passed. Lyndon Baines Johnson is your Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate of 1960!" Mr. Jackson yelled. The crowd cheered. Lyndon and Jack who were on stage shook hands.
   "Let's do this." Jack told him.
   "Yes sir!" Lyndon smiled. He walked to the microphone.
   "Thank you. I'm very honored to run along side the wonderful John F. Kennedy. He will make this country a better place and I will do all I can to help him." The crowd cheered. Bobby stood behind and tried to to roll his eyes to visibly. Jack saw him and elbowed him.
   "Quit acting like a kid, Bob. You'll make us all look bad." Jack muttered. Bobby stood silently.
Lyndon finished and they went back to the hotel. There was other stuff going on at the convention but they had things to talk about and speeches to write. They worked into the late hours of the night. They finally finished and went to bed.

Friday, July 15, 1960

It was the last day of the convention and Jack was to give his speech. He was ready...overly ready. Jackie and Caroline had once again went to Hickory Hill to watch it with Ethel. The TV showed Jack, Bobby, and Lyndon walk on stage. Governor Adlai Stevenson gave a wonderful introduction and then Jack gave his speech.

   The crowd erupted into cheers. Later that day, Jack and Bobby flew home. They were met at the airport by their wives and children. Jackie ran (kind of) to Jack and wrapped him in a hug,
   "I'm so proud of you, Bunny! I can't wait until November. It's going to be wonderful."
   "I couldn't have done it without ya, Kid." Jack replied before kissing her cheek. They went home, had dinner, and went to bed. They couldn't wait for November.

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