- F E R V E N T -

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I could feel the sting on my right cheek. Tears we're starting to well up my eyes but I'm not gonna cry... I won't cry...

"So, are you ready to give up...Dei?!"
Alyson, one of those hoes that follow Yago around, screamed at me.

It was after class dismissal, we we're at the back of the gymnasium and much to my disadvantage, it was deserted.

"I told you to stay away from Yago!"

"Why should I?" I answered back, trying to break free from her two minions' tight grasps.

"He's mine, so stay away!"

Another slap!

Great! that's gonna bruise...

"I don't see your name on him, he's nobody's property!" I answered back.

I thought she was gonna hit me again but she just stood there. Her faced suddenly drained of color and was looking right past me.

Dead silence.

The two plastic dolls' suddenly let go of my arms and ran behind Alyson.

"Uhmm...Actually... I am somebody's property... "

His eyes searched mine and he smiled.

And although my face is hurts, my heart is fluttering.

Now that, was music to my ears.

And just like any dependable superhero, he appeared right on time.


In all his handsome, superhero glory.

"You never learn do you..... Alyson?"

"B-But Yago... I-I was just... " but her plea was cut short.

"I warned you... Not. To. Lay. A. Finger. On. Her. Or. Else..."

He then grabbed Alyson by the neck and aimed to strike.

"Yago no!" As I squeezed myself between them.

"I'm fine, see? It's just a small bruise..."
Reaching out to touch his face... "I'm okay."

He held my gaze for a minute or so before I felt him release Alyson, who scrurried away, freaking out.

"I'm sorry Dei... "

"For what?"

"Because of me, you got hurt...again."

"And none of it was your fault."

"Yes it was. You being with me cause you so much trouble..."

"Yes, troubles that I don't mind getting into... because I know you'll always be there to rescue me."

"But what if I'm not around next time..."

I covered his mouth with my hand to shush him.

"I only care about now... You're here... with me... It's all that matters."

OASISOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant