- S A N C T U A R Y -

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I meant what I said - I wasn't sleeptalking.

I love her.
I always have.
And I always will.

It breaks my heart seeing her cry, yet I seem to do just that more often lately, and I hate myself even more for it.

As I look at her now, sleeping peacefully inside my arms, I couldn't help but smile thinking how lucky I am to have her in my life.

I have never felt this calm before until she came. I used to feel mad and hateful all the time, but something in me changed. She has this certain effect on me.

Her kindness is contagious. She's selfless and thoughtful and caring... I could go on and on about how good and loving she is... but it makes me cringe when I think about those people who mistreated her, it makes me see red. I wanted to hunt them all. But she made me promise to just forget about the past, about those fuckin' lowlives - and I just couldn't say no to her.

She may look weak and fragile but she's the one who keeps me grounded, she's the only one strong enough to hold onto my strings.

So I swore to keep her safe no matter what, no matter what it takes and I plan to keep her with me... forever.

This is it, I know I'm ready.

I fished inside my pocket for the ring that I've been carrying around for a while now.

It was my mother's, she said I should keep it until I find the girl who will finally reel me in and tame me, I asked her how will I know if she's the one?

She said I'll just know...

And she was right - I have found her.

I took her left hand that was clutching the neckline of my shirt and kissed it, she stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey... what is it? Are you okay?"

"I wanna ask you something... but swear, that if you can't answer just yet, you'll think really hard about it, ok?"

"Yago you're scaring me..."

"You have to swear Dei, please...?"

"Okay... I swear."



"Marry me?"

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