- P A T I E N C E -

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"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Barbs said she's on her way, I just can't be alone right now."

"But I could stay with you..."

"No It's okay, besides, they're waiting for you."

"You do realize that he's gonna interrogate me when I get back, right?"

"I know, just tell him you left me at my apartment."

"Knowing him, he'd ask for every little detail..."

Phone rings.

"Please Val, please..."

"Fine!" Picking up her phone, she answered, "Hello? I was just getting in my car... Of course not! Are you kidding me? You just... What?... Yes, I left her in the apartment and yes I made sure she's okay before I left... What?... You tell her that yourself!... Look, interrogate me later okay? Bye."

"Thank you V, really."

"Yago is an asshole! I don't know how you put up with him."

"Yeah, he is, sometimes..."

"Nope, most of the time!"

Phone rings again.

"Jace? I'm on my way back... She's fine... He actually listened to you? Well that's a first... Oh?! - laughs - Okay, see you later... Bye."

"It seems our boy is at his wits end trying to think of "subtle" ways to ask for your forgiveness..." She stifled a laugh.


"Jace talked him out of coming here right now, explained that you need to rest and he needs to cool down first - and he agreed..."

"He did?"

"He did! So rest and get some sleep - don't worry about anything for now okay? I'll come see you tomorrow."


After seeing the Yago like that?

Goodluck to me.

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