- L O N G I N G -

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A little Backstory:


When I first met Dei, she was so aloof - so much that everyone thinks she's weird.

Yes, she may be a little weird, small- framed, somewhat frail, but she's so beautiful.

No trace of make-up on, fair-skinned, with soft, dark tresses that almost reaches the small of her back, rich brown eyes that were enchanting and mesmerizing at the same time and her lips - her luscious, plump lips puts me under a spell everytime she smiles...

She is like an enchantress.

But she is surrounded by this great brick wall that she built all around herself.

She was quiet and elusive, shy around other people, always fidgeting when being talked to - like she's afraid of something or someone.

I wanted to take care of her that very same moment.

I wanted to take away her fear, to keep her safe, to assure her that everything is gonna be alright.

And there is something about her that draws me closer - makes me want to decipher all her secrets and just be with her all the time - if that's even possible.

She came into my life during my lowest point - that part when I was ready to give up on everything, where I didn't care about anything... or anyone.

Jace can attest to that, and her girlfriend Val... They were the only ones who managed to atleast keep me out of trouble - most of the time atleast.

I was a total mess...
I was angry all the time...
I was completely broken...

and lost.

But Dei found me.

She found me...

without even trying.

OASISOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant