Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Belle's POV:

I wake up and I get my so called "school supplies" together. They're basically just pencils for now. In about a week it'll be more things. I look to my left and see that Amy's still asleep. Should I wake her up? "No!" My self-conscious tells me. "What if she's not a morning person?" It adds. I decide against it and go to the bathroom to apply my make-up, still in my pjs.

As soon as I started to put on my mascara, someone knocked on the dorm door. Not wanting to wake up Amy, I awkwardly tiptoe to the door and look thru the peep-hole. My heart jumps when I see curly, dark hair. He is looking down at his watch. I slowly open the door and make the "shh" signal. He silently laughs and mouths "Why?"

"Amy is still sleeping." I whisper. "Oh shit, she's gonna be late." He says. I hear a noise from the bed. "Never mind..." He trails off. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Amy get up. She walks past me. "You're gonna be late, Amy." She looks at me. "Shhhhhhiiiiitt." I see Harry smirk out of the corner of my eye as she walks into the bathroom.

"What?" Harry asks. "I don't wanna be late on our first day." "Yeah, well neither do I, so let's get going." I say. I look at Harry. he was looking at me too, until I looked over at him. "S-Sorry." He says, reading my mind. "I was just thinking of how Evan treats you so poorly." He pauses and looks down at his feet.

"I just- no one deserves that Belle, no one does." I do agree with him but something always stops me from breaking up with him. I don't know if it's the fear of what my mom will say, or what he will do. He's told me thousands of times that he'd never physically hurt me, but something in my gut tells me he will.

Amy walks out of the bathroom and she is dressed in a polka-dot shirt with lace in the back. I tell her I need to get dressed and she says, "Ok!" I run/walk over to my dresser and pull out my outfit in a bag that says, "First Day Outfit." It is a teal-ish shirt that has ruffles and a bow on it with kaki pants and teal-ish sandals. I walk into the bathroom and put on these clothes.


I walk out and Harry is standing against the wall waiting for me. He looks at me and says, "Looks good for the first day." He smiles ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat and his cute dimples are revealed. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and look in his alluring eyes and we walk out the dorm. As we walk to the elevator, he looks concerned. "What's wrong?" He recoils. "Nothing." I guess I startled him. "Why do you think something's wrong?" He asks. "You just look concerned." "Oh I'm just thinking about our classes." When he says "our classes" my heart flutters.

When we get off the elevator we walk past the receptionist's desk and she says, "Bye! Have a spectacular day!" Amy mutters, "You too." We walk out to the parking lot and I almost forget that I don't have a car! Amy leaves to go to her car's parking space and I tell Harry, "I just forgot that I don't have a car..." He chuckles and says, "well how are you getting to school?" "I'll just take the bus." I start to walk away and his soft hand grabs my arm. "Wait." I turn around.

"You can ride with me." I don't want to ride the bus, so I say, "Ok." "My car isn't that far away. It's just behind that car." He points to a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta. "You have a Volkswagen Jetta?!" He looks at me strange. "No it's the one behind that." A wave of relief rushed over me. "Oh, well what type do you have?" He sniggered. "You'll see in a minute." We walk around the Volkswagen and I see a black Range Rover. I smile and say, "Nice." "Yeah, I try." I can't help but giggle.

He unlocks the car and the lights flash twice. He opens my door and puts his left arm behind his back. His other hand is folded in front of him. I look at him and smile. What is he doing? As if he reads my thoughts, he said, “After you Belle.” I giggle again and say, “Thank you Harold.” He laughs and shuts the door after I climb in. He walks around the car to the other side and opens his door.

He plops down on the seat and said, “Well, what type of music do you like?” I don’t want to embarrass myself so I say, “Anything’s fine.” He looks at me and smirks. “I don’t think I’ve heard of that genre.” I laugh and say, “It’s the best! I listen to it all day, every day!” “Do you like Cold Play?” “Sure.” I say. “Sure? Sure! Either yes or no.”

 “I don’t know. I’ve never really heard of them before.” His mouth drops open and he says, “What?” He pauses. “Well we’re listening to them just because you’ve never heard their music.” “Ok.” I say. “Oh and when are you going to start the car?” He laughs his sweet laugh.

Harry’s POV:

“Oh and when are you going to start the car?” I haven’t realized that we were sitting there the whole time until now. I laugh. “Sorry I didn’t-“ Her cell phone rings. She looks down and rolls her eyes. ”Evan?” I ask. She nods. “You can answer it. I don’t mind.” My dad always told me to let girls do what they want or they’ll get mad. He referenced to my mum in collage and her x-boyfriend. If I’m too controlling she may lose interest I me, that is if she does even like me. I look back at her and she is texting someone.

I look at the name and it’s Evan. I look away fast because it’s not polite to look at or read someone’s text messages. I just really want to know what she’s saying to him.  She looks at me when I look at her and she glances at her phone. I look at the steering wheel and start the car. The light from her phone that is shining on her face shuts off. I back out of the parking spot and she speaks up. “Evan doesn’t want me hanging around you. He says it’s bad for our relationship.” “Oh.” I say.

“But I told him I can’t do that.” I look up at her. “I said that there is nothing between us and we are just friends.” “What did he say?” I hope he’s not going to hurt Belle. “He said I still can’t.” She pauses. “He can’t stop us from seeing each other  though.” I smile and go into the school parking lot. She whispers something but I didn’t hear it clearly. I think she said, “I’m so torn.” And “I love you more.” I’m not completely sure so I don’t ask.

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