When we meet..

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Me~ I wish you were here.

David~ I wish i was there too.

Me~ Hehe i would make you blush alot! It would be so cute. I can't wait for us to meet.

David~ I can't wait for us to meet, i want to hold you in my arms. And make you blush alot more Jazmine.

Me~ You can't make me blush! I'll be the one making you blush!

David~ I can't wait to feel your lips on my lips.

Me~ W-what..? (Damn it, I'm blushing! >~<)

David~ To kiss you....

David~ I want to kiss you really really bad.

Me~ And why's that cutie?


I think he fell asleep. It's like three in the morning for him so yeah. That's one of our conversations. That's honestly, the first time he said something like that. It surprised me a little. But it's sweet. >~<

I love him soo much. I can't wait to meet him.. He makes me so happy and makes my sadness go away. *sigh* Let's get tomorrow over with.. I've never been to a funeral..

I wish he was here..

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