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Britch's POV

After school I walked out of the building and down the sidewalk. My mo always told me to catch the bus but i never listened, i hated the bus. I made my way home and suddenly my phone buzzed.

"Want to hang out? -S" I read.

"Sure, where?" I responded.

"Um... Library?" He suggested. 

"On my way now." I sent the text and turned around, walking to the local library. 

I then went into my contacts ad sent my mom a text saying i was going to the library to study. She just replied with 'Okay, have fun' and i sat on the bench just outside of the library. 

I saw Shane round the corner and i stood, smiling politely at him. He and i walked into the library and went to the empty tables. We were surrounded by shelves of books, mainly dictionaries and encyclopedias but there were a few odd romance novels and sci-fi books. 

"So, what do you want to do?" I kept my voice low to avoid being yelled at.

"I don't know, really. I just kind of wanted to chill out and talk." Shane sheepishly replied. 

"Like always?" I giggled.

"Yeah, I guess so." 

We sat in silence for a minute, it was sort of an odd awkward silence that no one truly knows how to fill properly. Do you cough? Do you giggle? Do you keep saying "so...." Over and over? 

"We should hang out more..." I mumbled.

"That'd be cool, just as long as those bouts of silence are rare." He joked.

"I'll try to keep them to a minimum." 

"Anyway, do you maybe want to walk around, like, outside? I don't know i feel like the library was a bad idea." He chuckled.

"Yeah, sure!" We stood up and walked outside. We set out on a journey around town just talking and joking around.

"Tell me something no one knows." Shane stated, trying to fill another bout of silence.

"Okay, um... When i was little i used to think there was a person in my attic that looked over me and sometimes they would try to talk to me but i realized i was the one talking." I replied.

"Huh... that's... weird." He chuckled.

"Hey! I know it's weird but... Be nice." I fake pouted.

We both laughed and looked into each other's eyes. Our laughter died down and we were just stood smiling at each other. He cleared his throat and looked down awkwardly as we continued walking. I looked to my feet and glanced up at him a few times, a stupid grin on my face, my cheeks felt hot. 

I could see the ghost of a smile on Shane's face as he kept his eyes on where we were walking. The way he seemed focused on where we were going but also distracted by his thoughts was cute. I didn't even want to deny my new found feelings for him, but i did keep them hidden. Though i knew something like love was blossoming.

"So... have you ever wanted to run away?" He asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, when i was younger and My brother was being an ass, I'd back my dora backpack and leave a note on my mom's bedside table, then i'd go to the park not too far away and wait until my mom found me." I laughed.

"That's adorable." He laughed with me. "I tried running away once because my mom said i couldn't have a hamster. I didn't even think to pack i just left the house. My mom found me in the forest, trying to climb a tree."

"Now THAT i adorable." 

"Yeah, i guess." He muttered, chuckling. 

Another minute of silence but this time it wasn't awkward. It was relaxing and beautiful. Like the whole world was living around us but only we could enjoy it. Just being with each other in a town not many know of was... different.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" I heard myself ask. I instantly wanted to take it back as i knew it was weird to ask. I bit my tongue.

"Yeah, i think i do." 

"Oh cool!" I tried not to dwell on it but my mouth defied my mind and i heard myself ask,"Who?"

"Just a girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, nice but odd... Ya know." He seemed partially worried. I felt a feeling in my heart i hadn't felt before. It was a spark of something, magical and beautiful.

I wanted to tell him i might like him, but no, i'm not ruining our friendship that hasn't even been a day. 

"Fuck it, it's you i think i like." His voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Ever since i met you i've felt something and i don't know, i never wanted to say anything because you and i weren't all that close but i cant just ignore it."

I looked at him wide-eyed, i never thought he'd like me but it was so soon. His face slowly fell as i didn't reply. He began to walk faster. I stood still as he quickly left. My mind was screaming to follow him but my feet wouldn't move. 

"Shane wait!" I called after him, finally my feet began to move in long strides as i ran to him. I took hold of his arm and made him stop speed walking. 

"I'm sorry, i screwed up this friendship. Not even the first day and i've screwed it up."

"Shane, i like you too!" I stated.


"I feel the same way, i was just shocked you felt the same as i did." 

He look surprised but happy as i'm sure i did as well. I couldn't believe it... it was crazy... he and i... felt the same... about each other.

On impulse i pressed my lips to his, gently and passionately. He kissed back, holding my waist carefully, as if he'd break me. I put my hands on the back of his neck. A spark of electricity flowed through me and i fought back a shiver. we pulled away, smiling happily.

"Normally people kiss when they're dating..." I giggled.

"Well, i guess we're not normal, but that can be changed." He replied. "Would you consider going on a date with me?" He asked.

"Yes, of course!" 

"Okay, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Yes i am."

"Then i'll come by your house and we can go out."

"May i ask where?" 

"I don't know actually... what would you want to do?" 

"I have no clue, we could go on another walk like this? Or go into the forest, maybe a picnic?"

"Okay, a picnic under that stars?" 

"Sure! I'll just have to tell my mom i'm staying at Emma's." I giggled.

"But what will you do when the date's over? You can't go home then." He looked confused.

"I'll think of something." 

"Okay then! Well, should i walk you home now? Or do you want to stay? Or..." 

"I just want to stay a bit longer." I smiled, we were still holding each other and most people would think it seemed awkward but not us. I pecked his lips and he chuckled softly.

After we t go of each other, he walked me home and before he left we hugged quickly and i went into my house and straight to my room where i flopped on my bed and tried not to scream in pure happiness.

Save Me, Shane (A #Brane Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now