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Britch's POV

I was about to go to bed when my phone started to ring. I picked it up with out checking the caller id.


"Hi, Britch, It's Shane." 

"May i ask why you're calling at..." I checked the time, "Ten at night?" 

"I just wanted to talk." He chuckled.


"Anything really... I don't know."

"Okay, well i guess you could help me with my home work then?" I joked. He groaned in agony.

"Please, anything but that."

"Okay, okay, so... about tomorrow night. I've thought about a plan and what i'll d is instead of tell my om i'm staying at Emma's, i'll go to bed early then i'll sneak out my window and when the date is over i can sneak back in." I whispered so no one in my house could hear.

"Yeah, that sound like a good plan! I'll text you when i'm there so you don't have to walk at night alone." He had a bit of protectiveness in his voice and it made me smile.

"Yes, of course. Wouldn't want me getting hurt." I smirked.

"Yeah! Anyway, what's your favorite flower?" he asked casually.

"Um... roses i guess why?" 

"Great, just wondering i'm weird anyway i gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow then love you wait i mean oh shit i didn't mean to... well i did but i just oh gosh." he rambled on and on.

"Shane, It's okay. Love you too." I giggled.

He chuckled nervously, "Night."

"Goodnight." We hung up and i smiled, my stomach filled with butterflies and i wanted to scream. 

For the first time in so long i had a genuine smile on my face and an honest feeling of love in my heart. I wanted to cry but i held myself together. My eyes trailed over to my desk and i knew in that top drawer there were sharp metal blades calling me. My wrist tingled, longing for the pinching sensation of the blade on my wrist.

'No, i'm supposed to be happy, i'm not doing that tonight. I'm happy, i don't want to cut, I"M HAPPY' i thought to myself. 'Shane makes me smile, i don't need to cut when i'm happy. NO NO NO!'

'You're not happy, you're worthless and alone. No one could love you, you're nothing. Remember what Jason told you? You're a worthless whore, you're fat and ugly.' a voice fought back. I closed my eyes as a tear streaked down my cheek. 

I was determined to fight off the feeling, i thought of Shane. I thought of his smile, his voice. I thought of our kiss, his soft gentle lips on mine. I could feel the ghost of a smile on my lips. I turned away from my desk and climbed into bed. 

I rested my head on my pillows and slowly drifted into a deep slumber.

My eyes fluttered open and i looked around. I wasn't in my room, this looked very different. I moved my arms and felt bare skin under my touch. I froze. That wasn't my skin... I turned my head and saw someone beside me sleeping. 

I sat up and realized i too was naked. I inspected the person trying to recognize their face and finally it dawned on me. Shane was just inches from me. Instead of feeling scared or shocked i felt myself smile and curl up into his side.

He shifted around and put an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. I rested my head on his chest, my smile not leaving my face.

"Good morning." His raspy voice entered my ears.

"Morning." I replied.

I could see flashes of our night last night and i couldn't help but giggle silently. 

"Good thing you said you were spending the night at Emma's" Shane smirked.

I froze, i remembered i hadn't actually said that.

"Oh god, no i didn't." I huffed, sitting up. I picked up my phone and saw 20 messaged and 16 voice mails all from my mom. "I'm in so much trouble."

"Oh shit!" Shane sat up and got dressed, i did the same. He ran beside me to my house to see it had been set on fire. I freaked out. I saw a note and picked it up.

'You run away, you have nothing to come back to, deal with it.' The note read. I dropped to my knees.

I Shot up in my bed confused and disoriented. It was a dream, a weird and confusing dream, but a dream none-the-less.

I saw i was just up in time for school. i got up and got dressed in some shorts and a black tank top, my usual makeup and i stacked my bracelets as always. I gt y phone and opened Shane and i's convo. 

'Walk to school with me?-B' I sent.

'Sure, meet you at the mailbox?-S'

'On my way.-B' I ran and grabbed an apple and went to the mailbox at the corner of my street connecting his street to mine. I saw him walking down he street, his back pack slung over his shoulders. 

"Hi." I smiled, holding out my hand.

"Hey." He took my hand in his and we set off to go to school. We talked about how we didn't do our homework and i decided to tell him about my odd and pointless dream. He laughed a bit and agreed that it was weird.

Once we reached the school we went to class and instead of sitting across the room from each other, we sat next to each other. I got odd and slightly angry looks from Alyson and Emma but i let those slip and Shane and i passed notes during class planning who was bringing what for our picnic. 

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