The Magical Hair Tie

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 Sometimes life doesn't go as planned, that's normal. 

What isn't normal though is the creature standing in your dining room.

It was a pretty average day for you, you had just came back from another dull day of school. You expected to come home to your father trying to make dinner which always ended up with you calling the local pizzeria. You didn't mind though, you loved your father. He was someone that tried his best to make people happy even if it ended up with the smoke alarm going off sometimes. You had always had you dad by your side since you could remember. Now your mom on the other hand you have never met. 

She was a mystery. You had gotten some ideas about her from the stories your father had told you but you still didn't know much. Your dad had loved her, so much. You knew he missed her because every once in a while you would catch him peeking at his wallet where the only picture of your mother that he had resided in. The picture only showed the back of her, the moonlight only revealing a fraction of her face. It was not enough to give you any idea of what she really looked like but it was still a beautiful photo nonetheless. 

"Don't panic," your dad appeared behind you, "your mother warned me about this." You turned to look at him, he had a sunken face, his eyes misty.

The creature hissed, "what do mean don't panic?" 

"I'll deal with it, I need you to go into my room, go into the closet, and take the black bag," he whispered quickly, "run far from here, everything you need is in the bag," the creature was getting closer , "get to Long Island, you'll be safe there."

"Dad, you can't be serious-"

"-trust me," he finally looked at you, the creatures shadow looming over you "remember that I love you, now go!" he pushed you as the creature lunged, you ran to his room trying to ignore the sounds of the fight behind you. 

You pulled out the bag with shaky hands and ran out his room, taking one last look towards the direction of your father, "I love you," you whispered, then you ran. 

Getting a taxi was an easy task after all you lived in the city, you were into much shock to really get a grasp on what was going on. All that happened to you was a blur, you don't remember getting in the car or telling the driver where to go. You were currently only focused on the black bag. You pulled the zipper down, inside was a note, some cash, some other minor things, but inside a pouch you found a hair tie. 

"What?," you mumbled pulling it out. It was nothing really special it was light grey, encased around the band was some sort of metal with an odd looking carving-

"-Hey, are you paying attention?" you looked up, "there's some serious traffic going on, I think there's some sort of accident up ahead." You hummed in response and went back to examining the hair tie.

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What does that mean?

You put the hair tie on your wrist, you we're confused on why your dad would have put a hair tie in your bag, he said he packed 'everything you would need,' why would you need this?

You opened up the note,

I know what's going  on seems like some type of crazy dream but it's not. I'll say it to you straight, Greek Gods are real, and everything involved with Greek mythology. You're a demigod. I tried protecting you for as long as I could but I knew some day you would have to go. As a demigod many 'things' will come after you and the only safe place for you is at Camp-Half Blood. You'll find it don't worry. You'll be safe. Now to explain the things in the bag.

Inside you have some cash incase you find yourself in some type of sticky situation. Some other things are just for sanitary purposes.

Now inside the pouch.
  You glanced at your wrist.

It might seem like an everyday object at first glance but this hair tie is nothing but normal. Your mother left it to you as a parting gift, it's a weapon. Once you pull it off your wrist it transforms into a sword that will help protect you from monsters. Normal weapons won't hurt them but your sword is made for it. It's odd, I know. But you have to understand that this world holds many secrets and you've been thrown into the mix. Your mother didn't mean for this but it happened and we got to work with it.

Get to the camp fast as possible. Monsters will be coming after you, they can smell you. 

Remember, I love you.

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