Capture The Flag Part 1

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After the whole fiasco of the obstacle course the campers dispersed and went to do their own things. It was fun seeing dozens after dozens of campers failing to complete the course but you were tired.

You walked over to the Hermes cabin hoping to get a quick nap before the game tonight but much to your luck the twins appeared.

"Don't tell me you're tired just from that one round?,"Conner smirked. "Yeah! We have things to get done first noobie," Travis added, as he ripped off your blanket.

"This is the most productivity I've done my whole life," you groaned, as got up.

"Don't worry it's nothing too straining. We've decided to take you to pick out a weapon from the forge," Conner opened the door to the cabin. You followed close behind him.

"But I already have a weapon," you flashed your wrist to them, "see?"

"But you're really good with bows! You were awesome out there in the obstacle course," Travis said, "with that type of skill I bet you're an Apollo kid!"

"One problem with that, I have a dad already," you explained, as you neared the edge of the stream, the forge in the distance.

"What really? That's odd. Maybe you're just good with all types of weapons," Conner walked into the forge, the sounds of hammers smashing metals filling the air.

It was hot inside and the it smelled of smoke and oil. Travis walked up to a huge dude with some muscles packed on, you recognized him from the counselor meeting.

"Hey, Beckendorf! We were wondering if you've made any bows lately that you wouldn't mind letting us have?," Travis asked, a smirk on his face.

"Funny that you ask Stoll, I just so happen to have one," he walked deeper into the forge you guys trailing behind him, "I found this while digging around in the armory," he pulled out a rusty looking thing, nothing impressive, "her name is σεληνόφωτο, it's Greek for moonlight."

Beckendorf caught your disgusted expression, "ah, I know it doesn't look very special but this baby here," he tapped it, "is a magical weapon."

He handed it over to you, the second you grasped it, it transformed, "it's made out of silver and celestial bronze I have no idea where it came from but it's a beauty," Beckendorf said, "I was gonna give it to one of the Apollo kids but none of them seemed to be able to aim with it properly so they gave it back to me. I couldn't find anything wrong with it," he took it back.

"You should give it to Y/N! She is really skilled with bows I bet she could aim with it, "Conner argued.

"I don't know, some of the best archers in the camp took a shot at it," Beckendorf looked reluctant.

"Look, if I can't get one clean shot with it I'll give it back. I think you're just doubting me too much," you argued. Beckendorf handed it to you hesitantly, "I guess we'll see tonight won't we?"


Throughout the day you continued your camp activities with a bubbling excitement building up for your archery class. Taught by the one and only Apollo cabin. You were itching to try out the bow.

"Someone seems a little excited for our next class," Dan, a Hermes kid said.

"I guess you could say that," you smiled.

"Please, she just wants to get a chance to boast her skills," Vanessa appeared, the brunette you recalled form your first night at the Hermes cabin, "of course she turned out to be skilled in such a weak weapon."

"Last time I checked you couldn't even positon your arrow properly on that 'weak weapon', so if I were you I'd shut up, " you replied, as you walked off to the front of the group.

"Welcome campers! Today we're starting off with something a little more challenging," a guy with shaggy blond hair said, "hit three bull's eyes!"

The cabin replied in groans and cries of the unfairness, "you know we're not all skilled in such things!," one called out.

The blond guy ignored the crude comment, "get some arrows and a bow if you need one! Then stand in front of target and begin. We'll be on the stand by if you need help."

You walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a quiver. You quickly pulled out your bow as you stood infront of one of the targets.

"Hey, are you sure you can handle that?," the blond guy appeared, "oh sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself properly, Will Solace," he stook out his hand, "Y/N Y/L/N," you replied as you shook his hand.

"Well Y/N, for a beginner that bow won't be easy on you," Will said, "I just want to test it out is that so bad?," you replied, as you began to line up your arrow with it.

"I took my shot at it and I couldn't even—"

You let go of the string and the arrow flew over the target.

"—woah. Yeah, maybe you should just try with a wooden one," you put down the bow. He handed you the wooden one, you grabbed it dejectedly and proceed to line up your arrow.

Guess that bow isn't for me. You thought.

You let go of the arrow and hit the bullseye a small smile settiling on your face.

Maybe you just needed to practice.

The campers ran around frantically trying to get their last minute preparations done.

"You got your weapon?," Connor asked, "yep", you replied taking off your hair tie, transforming into your trusty sword.

"What about your bow?"

"I think I need some more practice with it before I go out and battle with it," he nodded his head, "you should still take it with you just in case you find yourself without a weapon." You grabbed a quiver and put it on.

"How will I be able to carry both my weapons?—" the bow vanished.

"Woah! It's like the huntresses bows they disappear when they're not needed," Conner looked impressed, "well come on we have a game to get to. Tonight we're going against the Athena cabin." 

So I'm back! Who knows for how long... it took me more than a year to finally publish the next part, sorry. I'm guessing a lot of you guys are gone by now. But hey oh well. I just got inspiration for this. Sorry it took so long. 

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