I Can Do This

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"It's the Chimera"

"Well I have no idea what that is but I'm going to kill it."
You began to march up to the top of the hill.
"No wait!"
Grover ran up next to you or more like trotted.
"You can't possibly defeat it by yourself."
"I've fought two red faces and a fake poodle. I can do this."
You were determined to prove your point that she was strong enough.
"Let the other campers deal with it."
You took of your hair tie and watched as it transformed into a sword. You quickly ran to it and rose up your sword in a fighting stance. The chimera let out a loud roar.
"Grover get out of here!"
"What no I ca-"
Grover trotted all the way up to the hill reluctantly watching you carefully.From the corner of your eye you could see other people all the way at the top of the hill watching. Yeah gee thanks for the help. You faced the beast, it had two heads you weren't sure how to have a stare down with it. You decided against it and plunged your sword into its stomach.
You cheered but then it let out huge flames from its mouth aiming for you, you quickly rolled over to your right avoiding the scorching flames. You stood up and sprinted to it once more avoiding its heads trying to snap at you. You saw as its goat head tried to get you from behind but you sliced its head off with no thought. At this point you were sweating and your heart was beating rapidly. The chimera tried whipping its tail at you but you jumped away from it just in time. 
"Wait your tail is a snake?"
You watched closely at its tail also a snake, the chimera took its chance since you were distracted the snake hit you from behind and bit you on the thigh. You let out a scream of pain. You jumped on top of its tail and plunged your sword into it, the snakes head rolled off. You looked up, the lions head was left, it was letting out fire trying to burn you. You tried to run away from it to get some distance from the heat but you tripped causing the flames to burn you, you watched as it burned your jeans you patted it down with your hand which helped a bit but now the pain was spreading threw your leg. You stood up limping a bit, you let out a battle cry and jumped up with all the strength you had making sure to avoid the flames and sliced your sword into the lions neck. You fell on the floor, the chimera let out one last cry and bursts into golden dust. You were covered head to toe in burn marks, blood, and the creatures remains. You stood up slowly and coughed up golden dust. Your vision was blurry and everything seemed to be spinning. You kept leaning to the side but she was determined to stand. You fell to the floor your hearing giving out as well. Your eyes began to droop but then you saw someone looking down at you, he looked familiar. That's when you realized who he was.

Daughter of Artemis  (Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now