BOB'S Motel

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You dropped your sword no longer pointing at the direction of the new person or goat-thing you have just meet. You pondered if he was really here to help you, you wished your father had informed you more on this journey you were taking. For all you knew this could be a trap.

"Okay, um Grover. Uh explain yourself" You tried to speak in an authoritative voice but failed miserably with your stutters. His complexion turned into one of relief since you were willing to hear him out.

"I'm a satyr we help people like you to get to safety." Grover said hoping you would believe him.

"Wait. There's more people like me?" You questioned, this surprised you. People like you who had parents who are Gods?

"Yeah, a lot. We better hurry we don't have much time. It's almost sundown we need a place to stay". The realization settled on you that people might have called the cops for your 'gun'. As if right on cue you heard sirens.

"Come on!" You quickly followed Grover hoping you made the right decision to trust him. He ran pretty fast but you were capable of keeping up.

"Hey Grover? How far do you think we are from Long Island Sound? I think that's where the map says to go." You pulled a map out of the bag your father had given you.

"Well um about 13 hours walking". He replied sheepishly.

"WHAT? Are you crazy?!" You exclaimed flaying your arms up and down trying to show how crazy he was wanting to walk all the way there.

"We can't possibly walk all the way there, were in Hartford still for all I know!" You pointed at Hartford, Connecticut on the map. Good thing you lived in the same state as Long Island Sound.

"Well a taxi isn't reliable." You gave him a crazy look.

"Well how did you get here?" Hoping it would be a faster mode of transportation.

"By van" He replied looking down because he knew what you were going to say.

"Then let's call up that van!" You sighed in relief.

"Except that the van went back to camp."

"A camp?"

"Look it's not a good time to explain just keep running with me." You both kept a steady pace until you made it to a run down looking motel. With an obnoxious lighted up sign saying, 'BOB'S Motel'.

You gave him an, 'are you serious face' and he just shrugged his shoulders.

You both walked up to the door, the scent of cigars quickly filling up your nose. The walls were tattered and worn out. The sickly yellow paint peeling here and there. The front desk was made out of wood and a dingy cash register. You looked up seeing a young women no older than 20 sitting behind the desk. She had a horrible tan job and  blonde hair that it could pass for white.

"Like welcome to BOB'S motel how can I like help you?" You already hated her, how can a person say like so many times in only one sentence?

"Like we would like want to like book a like motel like room" You replied emphasizing on every 'like'. Then Grover gave you an 'are you serious face' and you just replied with a girlish giggle.

"Ugh fine what ever here's your key" She clearly did not take a likening to you, you reverted your eyes to her name tag. Hmp Brittany it suits her.

"Like thank you like how much would it like be." You asked her laughing after you finished talking.

"Ugh like 150 dollars pay up". She scoffed as you threw her two hundred dollar bills. You silently thanked your father for leaving money in the bag.

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