This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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Hey it's your author here who keeps forgeting she has a wattpad account... Im sorry I havent updated this in months.

Y/F/B/F = Your favorite breakfast food

Y/B/D = Your breakfast drink 

"Five more minutes..." You groaned.

"Get up! It's time to go to the dinning pavilion." Conner poked you.

"How about.... No." You covered your eyes from the sunlight streaming into the cabin.

"Fine. Travis!" His brother quickly appeared at his side, you felt a cold liquid splash on you, shocking you awake.

"What the hel- you guys!" You screeched quickly getting up and lunging for Connor. But he side stepped at the right time making you hit the floor.

"Good now that you're awake! It's time to take the cabin to eat." Travis waved you over to where all the Hermes cabin were waiting for them.

"Let's go!" The twins lead the cabin to a big pavilion. The second they stepped in you heard the buzz of people conversing. It felt like walking into the cafeteria at the first day of school.


 You barley knew no one here, people sitting together eating and chatting with people they knew. But you didn't know about anyone. Once you walked in they all looked at her whispering and pointing.

"Hey noobie!" You felt someone's arm sling on your shoulder. You turned your head slightly to the right facing the face of Travis.

"Sit next to us, we'll be nice to ya." He smirked. You didn't have it in you to insult him so you let him walk you over. Plus you knew no one here so you had no other choose. 

The cabin all sat in one table, all squished in together, some sharing the same seats. Travis patted a seat next to him waving you over. You quickly sat down next to him in fear someone would take it. 

Then a noise came out...

A fart? 

The whole table began to laugh, some with tears in their eyes.

"O-oh my gods, y-you fell for the oldest trick in the books." Connor cried hysterically. You began to laugh along with them finding there laughing contagious.

"God noobie you're so easy to prank." They giggled, the laughter died down people going back to their conversions. You stared at the plate and cup in front of you. You looked around the table everybody already got their food but how?

"I know what your thinking, just think of what you want to eat." You looked at Connor curiously and decided to try it out. Immediately Y/F/B/F appeared on the plate and Y/B/D appears in the cup. 

"That's so cool!" You gushed amazed by it, but then you noticed some people were getting up and throwing some of their food in fire.

"What are they doing! They are wasting perfectly good food." You cried out.

"They offer it to the gods and send a prayer to them." A camper told you, you got up with your plate and followed him. You stepped up to the fire.

'Um I have no idea why I'm wasting perfectly good food, but I offer this to my mom please claim me or what ever'

You tossed some food and it sizzled with a delicious scent making your stomach upset. 

"My poor food." You cried out pretending to wipe tears.

"Oh come on." The boy camper laughed at you as they sat back down at their table digging in to their remaining food.

(Time Skip Brought To You By Save Better. Live Better. Walmart) 

"Where are we going?" You asked Travis.

"Camp activities, first one today the new obstacle course!" He states while the cabin cheered happily. They walked over to the course which was huge, it looked like a killing machine. Complete with a sign, 'do not sue us for any type of injury or death.' Your eyes widened at it, you didn't know about the other campers but you liked living.

"Okay! We will be going first today!" Travis announced. You watched as the other cabins sat on the stadium to watch them. Great you were going to have an audience for your death. 

"Go go go!" Connor blew his whistle the whole cabin running to the obstacle course. You looked around in panic as you were pushed into the course. 

"Well I have nothing to lose but my life." You mumbled as you jumped over a wooden plank, you watched as the plank smacked a boy where the sun does not shine. The watchers flinching at it.

You ran forward jumping over blocks and planks. Also trying not to get your eyebrows singed off by the occasional planks on fire. Not watching where you were going you tripped in the water, campers proceeded to walk over you.

"Ow- hey watch it!" You groaned, standing up all drenched, you trudged out the water. You looked behind you seeing all the fallen and groaning campers. You walked up to the next obstacle getting over the mud. You grabbed onto one of the many ropes and swung successfully over. Your eyes widening once more as you noticed the next obstacle. 

'Shoot your targets to get through', the sign read, 'each person has to shoot down ten targets in order to move on'. A person handed you a bow and quiver. You watched as they struggled to put the arrow properly. 

"Come on work!" One of the campers slammed their bow causing it to break in half. 

"I got this." You chanted as you successfully pulled out an arrow from your quiver and placed it on the bow.


Close your eyes

Tune out every thing around you

It's just you and the target

You tuned out all the noises and fluttered your eyes closed.

Stand straight and tall

You composed your posture.

Breath in 

Open your eyes 

Look at your target 

Your eyes shot open looking straight at the bulls eye.

Breath out and let go

You let go of the string watching it in slow motion swirl directly in the bulls eye. You repeated the steps quickly not even stopping in between, it was as if it was natural instinct. People watched in awe as you hit each bulls eyes. Some campers dropping their own bow to watch. Once hitting the last one you ran off to the next level. You stared at it, it was a mechanical monster. It heaved and groaned at your presence. 

"You can only use the weapons you have!" You heard Connor call out, you nodded your  head. You sprinted towards the beast aiming arrow after arrow in order to penetrate it's metal skin. The beast roared and dropped to the floor with a flurry of arrows. 

An alarm went off, the stadium clapping and cheering you on. 

"H-how did you do that?" Connor stuttered as he walked up to you.

"Um by shooting the arrows?" You shrugged your shoulders.

"It doesn't matter how she did it, all the matters is that we sure are going to win Capture the Flag tonight." Travis walked up to them and slung his arm around your shoulder.

One of Hephaestus's kids walked up to the fallen mechanical beast. Kneeling down to pet the pierced metal.

"This is why we can't have nice things." He cried hugging the remaining pieces.

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