Chapter 1

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Maya's POV

I'm a freshman in high school. I'm at the very beginning of all things awkward and confusing. But I never thought something like love could put me in a daze. That is, of course, until Josh waltzed into Riley's room that Saturday afternoon....

"Hey Maya," said Josh. I jumped practically two feet in the air. How could I forget that he was staying with the Matthews's till Tuesday? See, Josh was a senior in high school; he lived in Philadelphia. But he wanted to go to NYU and study to be a teacher. So he was going to play "teacher aid" for Mr. Matthews during his history class. Of course though, I had been daydreaming, and it didn't cross my mind that he'd be arriving today.

"Hey Josh," I said awkwardly. He smirked. "Little jumpy aren't ya Hart?" I rolled my eyes and blushed a bit. I hate to admit it, but that darn boy gets me every time. He saddled up next to me in the bay window. "So did you hear I'm gonna be helping out in your history class on Monday?" he asked. I melted a little just by hearing his voice. Darn his smooth, deep voice. "Yeah I heard about that," I said. I tried to sound smooth, but it came out more bashful and quiet. Darn it. After that there was an awkward silence. Finally Josh broke it. "So, uh, I gotta go talk to Corey about Monday. See ya later," I smiled a bit. "See ya," I said back. He sauntered to the door and paused in the doorway. "You know I'll be in charge of keeping you guys in line; better behave yourself Hart," he smirked. And that's when I did something I consider the ultimate sign of feminine weakness. I giggled. If there's one thing I don't like about myself is the fact that the simplest thing out of Josh's mouth can trigger such horror. I hate the infamous Maya Hart giggle.

Josh's POV

If there's one thing I really like about Maya, it's that giggle she has just for me. 😊

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