Chapter 8

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Riley's POV

Maya had been having so much fun with Uncle Josh this week, that I hadn't spent much time with her. It was Wednesday, and Josh was at Maya's apartment watching a marathon of SpongeBob SquarePants. I don't understand those two. Regardless, I hadn't been spending much time with Riley lately, so I wanted to spend some extra time with my boyfriend. So that day at school, I jumped on Lucas' back and begged him to come over to my place that night. Of course, all of this was unnecessary, because A) he would have given a piggyback ride if I just asked, and B) he was already going to ask to come over that night. Hehe, oops.


Lucas' POV

Riley invited me over to her place that night. I was excited, but the only way Mr. Matthews would let us go up to Riley's room was if Auggie "checked in on us". Sigh....

Despite Auggie sneaking around upstairs, we actually were having a pretty good time. We watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy, (don't judge me, it's great), and then we played board games. Riley insisted on Trivial Pursuit, which is not my favorite. And I was losing. I was losing bad.

"Riley, can we please play something else?" I asked pitifully. She giggled. "Afraid to lose?" she retorted. Yes. I thought. But, "No, I'm just bored," is what I said. Riley shrugged. "Okay, truth or dare?" she asked. I was taken aback. Riley was usually afraid to play truth or dare. You see, she was okay with truth most of the time, but she didn't like dares. Yet she always picked them because she didn't want dare to feel left out. Sigh....only Riley. "Um...truth?" I said it more as a question. Riley tilt her head for a second in thought. "If I wanted you to, would you kiss me?" she asked. I was even more taken aback. Who was this daring girl, and what did she do to Riley? Honestly, whoever she was, I liked her. "Um...well, yeah. Yeah I would." I answered. Riley smiled. "Okay now you ask me!" she said in her singsong Riley way. I chuckled at her eagerness. "Okay, truth or dare?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Dare. But I refuse to lick anymore furniture!" she answered. I smirked. I had an idea. "I dare you to close your eyes." Now most people would be skeptical, but Riley merely chirped, "Okie dokie!" and sealed her eyes shut. I took a deep breath and prayed my breath was semi-fresh, leaned in....and.....

A/N: Mwahaha! Another cliffhanger! I know this doesn't follow the usual storyline, but I got a lot of requests for more Rucas, so I added this cute little chapter. The video added along, Scars To Your Beautiful, is just for anyone feeling insecure because I want everyone to smile! :) Last thing, my age reveal! *Drumroll..... I'm thirteen! Haha! Most of the guesses were in the fourteen-fifteen range, but nope! I turn fourteen in March! Shocked? Be sure to tell me in the comments and review this chapter. Oh! And favorite it too! Love ya! Byeee!

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