Chapter 2 Normal...

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Gene's POV

The first day of school was way to stressful for my liking... I really just wanted to forget about it, but I don't think that's possible. After the incident at the bleachers things calm down a bit but I still wasn't acting  like myself. He didn't feel like the bad boy everyone was afraid of, he felt like the typical school girl with a crush... (Gene: Zenix~Senpaaaaai) Ugh I'm so stupid for falling for Zenix! He's my best friend! Hmm, he needed to do something that would return him back to the old days. He walked out of his house and walked around the neighborhood trying to find someone... Trying to find a victum...

Aha! He spotted a freshman that he saw earlier in the halls. He had white hair and green eyes... Pfft, Zenix is waaaay more attractive. "Hey! Grandpa!" I shouted to the boy, he turned and around and looked at me, and pointed to himself, "Yea you! Come here!" The boy slowly walked over into my trap. What. A. Idiot.

Once he reached me I shoved him to the nearest wall. He yelped in pain and surpised and I laugh at how weak he was. "P..Pl...Please stop..." He whimpered, I only laughed, "You need to be taught a lesson, when I'm done with you, you wont EVER dare to look me in the eye again!" I yelled, yea, I didn't really have a reason for beating this boy up, soooo I just made one up. "I..I'm sorry sir..." "Pfft, your to innocent!" I shoved him onto the concrete and punch him in the nose. I grunted in satisfaction when his nose started to bleed. I continued to shove him then punch him for who knows how long until I heard the noise of footsteps. I paused and looked up to see the angel I fell in love with. "Ha! Zenix, came to help?" Only after I said that I noticed how dark I sounded.

"Gene what are you doing?" "Umm, beating this kid up, what else?" "Why?" Cause... Cause he... um..." I looked down at the green eyed boy and asked, "What did I say again?" "C... Cause I... I L... Looked Y... You In t... the eye..." The boy stuttered weakly, " Right! What he said!" I turned back to Zenix, "That's not a real reason. The real reason was that something was bugging you so you stalked the streets trying to find someone to take it out on. I know you to well Gene." He said, crossing his arms, "Well your not wrong... But what are you going to do about?" I asked, I knew that whatever he told me to do I'd do it, I couldn't say no to him... "WE'RE going to take Travis here, back to your house and fix him up. THEN I know for a fact he's friends with Dante so he can spend the night at your house. And cause it's getting late, I think I will to." I didn't object, I mean having Zenix spend the night was a prize itself, I sighed then said, "Ok, let's go..." "Umm, but it's a school night shouldn't we like not have sleepovers?" said a weak/ in pain squeaky voice coming from the ground, crap I was so focused on Zenix that I forgot he was here. "Seriously kid, that rules like for 5 year olds." I said, Zenix and I lifted Travis up and put his arms around our shoulders.

When we got to my house and opened the door we heard a small gasp come from Dante who was sitting on the couch. "Travis what happened to you?" He asked, "Your brother..." Answered Travis, I gave him a slight glare and turned back to Dante, giving him a apologetic look. Dante sighed and went to go get the First Aid Kit. Zenix and I set Travis on the couch then looked at eachother, "Why do you get yourself into situations like this.." Asked Zenix, I sighed and looked down, "I don't know, I just felt like I needed to kick some a**..." I mumbled, Zenix sighed and said, "You weren't acting like yourself today... Let me guess, you didn't know what was wrong with you and you felt the only way to fix it was to beat some helpless kid up to try and feel 'normal'" "-sigh- Exactly, you know a lot for being 15..." He smiled and let out a small chuckle, "Yea I know I'm really wise..." He said, stretching out his arms, I laughed feeling good to hangout with Zenix like this. "Care to tell me what was wrong?" He asked, I froze, not knowing what to say, I didn't want to lie to him so instead I chose to stay silent. "I guess that's a no, well I'm not going to pry, what do you want to do?" He asked, I shrugged and said, "We could play MarioKart?" He grinned, we always used to play MarioKart at our sleepovers, we'd get really competitive and make a whole bunch of loser dares.

I woke up to a bright light shining through the windows, then I realize that my arms are wrapped around something warm. I looked down to see that during the night Zenix fell asleep on me and my arms were wrapped protectively around him. I smiled but soon after realized that it would be weird if he woke up like this. I started to move my arms but I was to late. "You know Gene, I'm not a teddy bear." A sleep Zenix said, my face redden and he must have noticed because he let out a small chuckle. Well this is embarrassing... I start to move my arms away again but I'm stopped by a firm grip keeping them in place, "I never said I didn't like it~" Zenix says, he yawns then falls back asleep. I smile admiringly at him then look at the clock. CRAP! It was 11 AM. I was about to wake Zenix up but then stopped myself. We were already late for school so what's the point of going at all? I looked down at Zenix again. What's the point of disturbing this angel's sleep? I lean down and carefully kiss the beautiful younger boy's forehead. He snuggles into me me and I smile and fall back asleep.

Little does Gene know, Zenix wasn't asleep yet, and when Gene kiss his forehead, Zenix smiled and purposely snugged deeper into the older male's arms.

A/N: Awwwww I loved writing this!!!!!!! It was so adorable! I'm fangirling at my own story! Anywho! Luv U 2 Bitz!


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