Chapter 10 Problems

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I just want to say before i start this, i love this song and i love Taylor Swift, but in the car i realized that this could also be taken in a slutty way. Also the character i use the song for, I DO NOT PICTURE THEM AS A SLUT I JUST WANTED TO MAKE THIS INTERESTING.
Also credit to KittySamaLuvsU for the intial idea. Thanks :)

Unknown's POV

I wanted Gene. That's all there was to it. And I would get him, I hated him at first, but something about him changed. I knew he liked me, (that's not true) he did nothing but pay attention to for two months (guess who it is?) he's just trying to make me jealous with Zenix, Gene isn't gay. It was all just a trick. Obviously. Once he saw me with Aaron he wanted to make me jealous. I guess I like Aaron, but he'll be gone next year and I need someone who isn't miles away.

Sure Laurance and Garroth are nice. But I don't want nice, plus they wouldn't give me what I wanted. Gene's different, he's a bad boy, he won't be afraid. (This is kinda weird to write. Especially since this person is so innocent, but you've probably guessed who it is.) I was going to make him confess to me today, I just have to get him somewhere alone. 



Aphmau: Hey Dante?

Dante: Yea?

Aphmau: Can I have Gene's number?

Dante: Yea why?

Aphmau: I need to ask him something.

Dante: k (insert number)

Aphmau: thanks

Dante: NP


Aphmau: Gene?

Gene: Who's this?

Aphmau: Aphmau

Gene: how'd u get my number 

Aphmau: Dante

Gene: k, why?

Aphmau: can you meet me on the soccer field after school?

Gene: Why.

Aphmau: I need to tell you something

Gene: I don't have time for you to waste. Tell me now.

Aphmau: I need to tell you in person.

Gene: ugh fine 🙄😒


-over dramatic sigh- he loves me. (Just realized you know know for sure who this is. I want to punch this Aphmau now. Why did I make her like this...)

Gene's POV

I was really annoyed with Aphmau right now. I wanted to take Zenix on a surprise date but of course nooooo I have to get stuck talking to Aphmau. I could've said no but knowing her she wouldn't stop bugging me until I agree. I guess it's not to bad since Zenix didn't even know about date. So I'd just have to do it tomorrow.

-Time skip brought to you by all my new book ideas ;)-

Aphmau's POV

I was waiting patiently on the n soccer field for my future boyfriend to arrive. Of course I led have to keep it a secret from my mom but that wouldn't be to hard. I saw him walk up to me with a bored expression on his face. "What do you want?" He asks dryly, oo look at him trying to play hard to get.

"You~ And I know for a fact you want me~" I say suductively, winking at him (oh good so hard to write why do I do this.) I walk my fingers up his chest and he backs away looking at me like I had just grown wings. "What the f***? What is wrong with you? I'm gay! G.A.Y. And I'm also T-A-K-E-N, I'd never like you! Your not my type!" "Oh Gene~ Stop playing hard to get~ Why else would you do nothing but pay attention to my for two months?~" "I was trying impress Zenix! Get away from me freshman!" 

I was growing bored of his objection, didn't he see that I knew he was lying!? I break off his rant by smashing my lips into his. He pushed me away with great force, "What the f*** get away from me!" "Gene~ Stop this act, it's growing annoying." "What the f*** are you talking about!?" "You want me! Stop putting up a act!" "Act? What are you going on about you piece of s***!" "Oh baby, that's not very nice, now is it?" "Don't even call me that freshman! Just get away from me!" He starts to walk away but I grab his wrist and pull him in for another kiss. This time, holding on to him, not letting him get away.

"G-Gene...?" I hear a voice othat sounds like Zenix. Gene heard him to, and like a bolt of strength ran through him, managed to pull away. I narrowed my eyes my eyes at him, what's up with him today? He was in love with me... Right?

Zenix's POV 

Gene told me Aphmau asked him to meet her at the soccer field, he also said it should only take two minutes. I was waiting for him so we could walk home together, but when he was gone for ten minutes I start to get worried. Why did Aphmau need to talk to him so badly? What were they doing? What was taking so long?

I decided to just go over myself and I what I saw shocked me.

Gene and Aphmau were kissing.

What. A Liar.

I was a fool for falling for him. Why would someone like him like me? Let alone be gay. I should've known from the start that it was just one of his games, he was using me to make her jealous!

Gene pulls away and I brace myself for more lies, or even saying 'I don't actually love you, I love Aphmau'. And sure enough I got lies, ok so he wasn't going to be honest.

"Z-Zenix, this isn't what it looks like... She came onto me! I couldn't pull away!"

"Nice lying skills, if you couldn't pull away why did you when I came?"

"I-I just... I swear I didn't want to kiss her!"

"Oh really?  Then why were you so eager at your little scene earlier this week?"

"I was only... Zenix why would I ever love her? I'm gay! I hate her!"

Aphmau looked at him in disbelief, "Still continuingR your lies baby? Stop pretending you don't love me? You just used Zenix to make me jealous! Come on we have better things to do~"

"Get away from me you slut! I don't love you! Get that I to your thick head freshman!" 

"Gene. You can be with her, see if I care. I'm a toy to you. I should've known better then to fall for you. Thank you Aphmau for bringing this to my attention. See you around Gene."

"Zenix wait! Please don't do this... Don't leave."

I just continue walking. I didn't need Gene. I can move on, I can be just fine without him. 

Gene's POV


Aphmau looks at me in surprise, hurt hidden in her eyes. But I felt no pity. I lost the love of my life because of this b****.

"I-I thought- I thought you..."

"What? Loved you? I could nether love a motherf****ing whore like you." I scoff with venom on my tongue.

Her eyes water, "I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"Just stay away from me. You made the love of my life leave me! How dare you! It's best if you leave me alone, because if I see your sorry face again, it's not going to be pretty, got it?"

She looks down and nods her head solemnly before walking away.

Once she's gone I breakdown. I was so mad, I f***ed up. Knowing Zenix, he really meant what he said. He wasn't coming back. There's just so much he can take, before breaking.

And he just broke.

And it was my fault.

With the help of Aphmau.

I want him. I need him. I long for him. I crave for him.

But I let him slip away.


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