Chapter 6 Forgiveness

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Zenix's POV 

He kissed me a second time and I immediately kissed back. I've been wanting this for who knows how long, and he said he loved me... I then remembered that he hadn't explain himself for everything so I gently push him back. He looks and me in confusion and I say, "I love you to... But that doesn't make up for everything..." His face melts into relief as he explains how he wanted to impress me by black mailing Aphmau. And how he didn't want me to get hurt by Aaron so he asked Balto for help- and which I may add both Aaron and Balto looked offended by this- and finally how he wanted to surprise me and take me out to dinner with Sasha and confess to me. It was all really adorable, adorable, but stupid, very stupid (except for the surprise dinner and confessing, that honestly almost made my heart explode :3) I was also slightly offended that he didn't think I could take care of my self, but I could understand where he was coming from. I knew I would never want to watch Gene suffer, but honestly I can take on Aaron any day. I playfully punch him on the arm and say, "Dumba**"

Gene, Sasha, and I walk out of the school and start walking to a nearby Italian restaurant. We walk in and are greeted by a hostess, "Hi welcome to (insert Italian restruant name here cause I can't think of any) how many?" She asks, "Three." Gene replies, she pulls out three menus and starts leading us to a booth. Gene and Sasha sit down on opposite sides and i can tell by the way he looked at me Gene wanted me to sit next to him. Instead I sit next to Sasha and she gives me a questioning look on why I didn't sit next to Gene. I honestly don't know why I didn't. I guess I just don't want to come off as clingy, I mean yea all I wanted to do write now was to cuddle with him and go wherever he goes because I just feel happier around him, but I don't want to be THAT  boyfri- I mean what ever we were, lover? Love interest? I don't know... I do know that I don't want to mess it up with him. I look at him and he looks a little hurt, maybe even disappointed, I smirk at him evilly to make it seem like I was just playing with him. He glares back at me and I fight the urge to just switch seats.

Gene's POV

I was fighting the urge to pull him over to me me while Sasha just watches our glaring/smirking war. "You guys are weird, it looks like your having a telepathic mental battle." Sasha says, "Maybe we are!" Zenix replies, I laugh evilly and Sasha just looks at us like we're crazy. "So how was the 'Aphmau and Aaron' confrontation?" Sasha asks, in the corner of my eye I see Zenix wince, I kinda wish  he hadn't seen that because I got a little carried away... "It was... Fine." I replied carfully, Zenix looks really uncomfortable and Sasha asks him, "Are you ok?" "Y...Yea I'm fine!" He replies defensively, "You. Never. Stutter." Sasha says, "Drop it Sasha..." I warn her, I didn't want Zenix to relive that moment, Sasha eyes me in surprise, I narrow my eyes at her and slightly nod my head in the direction of Zenix who's face was starting to redden. She looks over at him and seems to understand. 

With perfect timing, a waiter walks over to take our drink order. "Hi I'm Bryan (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge) and I'll be your waiter this evening~" He says and winked at Zenix. Rage bubbles up in my stomach, HOW DARE HE! How dare he wink at my angel!? (YAASS Gene! Be protective and show Bryan whose bo$$!) Zenix doesn't seem to notice the flirtatious action, he notices me looking at him and smiles, making me feel a little better. He takes Sasha's order then mine. And finally Zenix's, "And what would YOU like angel~" "Umm.." Zenix says uncomfortably, he squirms in his seat and looks awkwardly at me. Sasha's eye widen at the fact that this waiter that we don't know flirted with Zenix by using MY pet name for him. "No. One. Can. Him. That. But. Me." I say coldy, almost inaudible, screw it. I get up out of my seat and punch Bryan square in the face. "HOW DARE YOU FLIRT WITH MY BOYFRIEND! HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM ANGEL! HOW DARE YOU WINK AT HIM!" I yell, he falls on the floor from the impact of the punch, "B..Boyfriend?" Zenix says from behind me, Bryan hears him and smirks at me, "Are you sure he's your boyfriend~?" I stomp on his face harshly and he screeched in pain. Everyone is staring at us in shock, I see the manager stomp towards us, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY EMPLOYEE!?" "I'M GIVING HIM WHAT HE DESERVES FOR FLIRTING WITH MY BOYFRIEND ! YOUR EMPLOYEE, OR NOT, HE NEEDS TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON!" Sasha grabs my wrist and pulls me off the waiter. She drags me out of the restaurant, both her hands are occupied by me, struggling against her grip, and a sobbing Zenix. Crap! He's crying! Once we are on the sidewalk she lets go of me but keeps Zenix's hand in hers.

"What the hell was that!!!?" She screams at me, "HE WAS FLIRTING WITH ZENIX HE DESERVED IT!" I yelled back, "Do you realize you and Zenix aren't even together???!!!" She asks, "I...I.. He was still making Zenix uncomfortable! Plus did you hear what he called him?! It triggered me! ONLY I CAN CALL HIM THAT!" I retort, "YOU DON'T OWN ME GENE!" Zenix suddenly screamed, I look at him in surprise, he beaks down sobbing again, "Zenix, I didn't mean it like that..." "DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARASSING THAT IS? I CAN DEFEND MYSELF! I'M NO DIFFERENT THEN I ALWAYS WAS!" "Zenix I'm sorry... You just looked so uncomfortable..." "I could've told him to stop! I'm capable of doing things myself!" "I know, I just love you so much, I don't want you taken from me..." I looked down but Zenix grabbed my chin and lifted it up so I could face him, even though he was shorter then me by a few inches, "I love you to, but you can't expect me to to tied down by someone who I'm not in a relationship, you may have called me you boyfriend, you never really asked me-" He breaks off in surprise when I kiss him passionately, catching him off guard. I put my hands on his waist and deepen the kiss by pulling him closer to me. He wraps his arms around my nec and I smile into the kiss. I broke his kiss and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Well than kitten, (he still is a meif'wa, I might make the potion permanent, I'm not sure...) I might just have to change that~" He giggles at my slightly suductive tone, "Oh really? And how might you go about doing that~?" He asks, using the same tone as I did, "Well kitten, do you want to put a label on us and be my boyfriend~?" I ask, a wide small appears of his face as he says, "I'd like that very much~" I pull him in for another kiss.

After years of waiting, I've finally got the boy of my dreams... And i wasn't planning on letting him slip away. (When I write that I don't mean it in a Yandere way, I mean it in a cute adorable and loving way.)

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