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GUESS WHOSE BACK, BACK AGAIN! (Insert comeback music)

I'M BACK FROM NEW YORK! (Didn't tell you guys I was there, did I?) But yea I'm back and I have a few thing to tell you guys. First of all, later tonight I will definitely be posting some new chapters on some of my Fanfics. But the second and most biggest thing is one thing that I will be posting. (Drum roll please) A NEW STORY! But! Not just ANY new story, no, a ORIGINAL STORY! Okay, okay, so this means that it will have my OWN characters AND my own storyline AND in my own world. So this wasn't just something that I thought about during my vacation, this idea has been in my mind FOR MONTHS. Actually the first person I told was MarveloussAJ. But if you want to know more about this, I will be posting a 'info' chapter on the new story after this. (Also it won't have a cover until I make the first chapter since the cover has spoilers for the character.)

So yea, I might post this 'Comeback' chapter on a few of my other stories cause I think there might be a different audience on all the stories.



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