Life Forever Changed - Chapter 1

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***** Author's note:  This is a story about more then just shifters but they will be the focus and they are humans greatest protectors. Also I tend to change the POV of the story and I dont point it out, Please let me know if you would like me to space it out that way*******

 “But the grocery store down the street takes coupons you print off at home”

“This store doesn’t I’m sorry.”

“Why not?”

 “Because the stores policy states that we don’t take coupons printed off a home computer”

 “I wanna talk to a manager” Amber sighed and motioned for her manager Lori to come over and deal with yet another customer.


“The cashier is telling me I can’t use this coupon” The customer said handing the coupon to the manager. Lori looked at the coupon and nodded.

“That’s correct, we don’t take these coupons.”

“But the store down the road does”

“Well I suggest you use the coupon at that store because we cannot take the coupon here.” The customer huffed off and left the store and her groceries.

“Well Amber you’re off, go home”

“Thanks” Amber replied happily. She punched out, grabbed her jacket and purse and headed out for the long walk home. Sometimes it was just too nice to drive. As she walked all she could think of was all the complaints. It was complaint after complaint that’s all she listened to all day. Why don’t you take this coupon? Why don’t you know how to prepare this fruit? She was a Cashier! How the hell would she know how to eat a fruit she had only seen in passing and with that kind of logic she should know how to prepare everything in the damn store. Amber continued to think dark thoughts of her work and the stupid people she dealt with all day as she walked home from work late Friday night. It just wasn’t fair people took out all their anger out on her when she didn’t do anything wrong, because it was somehow her fault that it was busy at dinnertime and therefore people had to wait in lines. People just needed to take a chill pill and not take out their issues on the cashier that’s what managers are for talk to one of them.

            The half moon shone brightly in the starry sky there were no clouds around to cover the stars. It was a nice warm summer night with no breeze or even hint of any wind. Time almost stood still, nothing moved and there were none of the usual sounds of crickets and cars passing, even the leaves on the trees stood still. The world seemed to be holding its breath waiting for something to happen, something that would change the world. The world hung in the balance and depended on one decision, one act and things would forever be changed.

Amber stopped and frowned and looked around. She was getting that eerie feeling you get when someone is watching you or following you. All she saw was the light from the streetlights and the outline of the houses and cars. Amber shook herself and tried to rid herself of the silly thought, there was no one there she would have heard them walking or seen them when she turned around. She continued on her way home. Little did she know she was being watched. A pair of dark yellow eyes tracked her movements from behind some shrubs.

Amber lived in a small townhouse by herself. Her parents had passed away a few years ago and left her a bit of money. It was weird most people didn’t like walking around at night by themselves but she did. It was peaceful, you could think and relax as no one was around to bother you and the neighbourhood she was in was a quite one with practically no crime. Amber turned down another street that had a park along one side of the road and a row of houses along the other. Amber walked along the park side of the street. She turned around again as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. What the hell there’s nothing there! I’ve been watching too many movies. She thought as she turned back around to head home.

            A wolf howl broke the silence. That stopped her in her tracks, a wolf howl this far south and in such a proximity to a populated town was almost unheard of. Then again they had coyotes just north of the town so maybe it was them. She shook her head, she really did watch too many movies and read too many books that they were starting to freek her out apparently. When she got home she was going to watch cartoons, if there was one thing that couldn’t freak you out it was cartoons.

            A sound drew her attention to the street and a split second later she was knocked to the ground by a large animal. Her head hit the sidewalk as the animal tore at her arm with its razor sharp teeth. Its claws raked across her chest and stomic. She screemed as she tried to fight it off and stay conscious. A black shadow appeared out of the corner of her eye and knocked the animal off of her. That was the last thing she saw before she blacked out.

****** Dont forget to comment and check out the next chapter :) Let me know what you think, How could I make this chapter better? what do you like about this chapter?  :) *************

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