You get caught making out

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Bellamy: you and Bellamy were laying in your tent after a long day of work. He leaned over and placed a small kiss to the corner of your mouth, soon it was a full blown make out session. You didn't realise someone had walked in until they cleared their throat, making both your heads whip around.
"Yeah.. Um. Bellamy we need you for uhh something.." Atoms face turns a deep shade of scarlet before he leaves the tent
Finn: Finn was sitting on your favourite rock by the lake, you straddled his lap and you both started kissing eachother passionately. You both heard a scream making you pull apart and look behind you.
"Oh my god!" Monty squeaked out then ran away screaming out for his best friend, Jasper
"We've ruined his innocence" Finn stated making you laugh
Jasper: Bellamy had told you and jasper to go into the weapons tent and load all the guns. You were sitting on the table loading a gun when Jasper came in between your legs, he took the gun away and placed his lips on yours, it was a heated make out session before Bellamy walked in and gasped
"You two are meant to loading guns, not sticking your tongues down each other's throats" he smirked then left
Monty: you and Monty were working on the wristbands when he threw a screwdriver down making you jump
"I can't do this" he muttered
"Yes you can, okay? I know you can" you ran a hand through his fluffy hair and placed your lips on his. Monty was hovering above you with his lips on yours when the hatch slammed open making you let out a squeal
"Shit! Um yeah dinners uh ready you two" Finn stammered
Murphy: you and Murphy were fiercely kissing each other in your shared tent, it was about to go a step further on the bed you were laying on but then Wells walked in and gasped loudly making you sit up
"Wells come on!" you whined before Murphy got off of you and zipped up his pants
"I'm sorry!" He shouted as he was leaving the tent
"Nice way to be a cockblock idiot!" Murphy yelled back making you laugh

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