Im not going anywhere | John Murphy

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Okay, so you know how at the end of season 1 Murphy shoots Raven? Yeah well and then at the start of season 2 they stay in the dropship together? Okay so instead of Murphy shooting Raven he shoots you, but she still has feelings on her legs. That's just a little quick summary.

"Ah!" I squeal out in pain again for the 9375739378475833 time that hour. I feel like I'm dying, oh wait I am.
I hear footsteps coming up the ramp of the dropship, I quickly grab the gun and barely manage to roll around onto my other side, the footsteps eventually stop so that the person is standing right behind me, I turn around and send a bullet right into their head. I sigh in relief as the fall back a few meters away and die. More footsteps come up the ramp, I pick up the gun again and aim it at the entrance. A head slips in, it's Murphy.
"Woah woah woah hey don't shoot" he holds his hands up in front of him
I didn't want to shoot him so I aim over his shoulder and click the trigger to scare him but nothing happens. I throw the gun away from me, I close my eyes and sigh. I can hear Murphy limping across to the seat in front of me
"You shot me" I mumbled out
"I know, I was there" his cockiness taking over for a second
"I don't think I'm gonna make it Mur-" I was cut off by blood and vomit running up my throat, it exits my mouth and ends up on the floor. I can feel a whole more coming, I see Murphy get up from his spot and limp to my aid
"Lay on your side! Quick!" He rolls me over and I hack up huge amount of blood, I'm on all fours holding my stomach with Murphy patting and tubbing my back
"What's happening to me?" I lean back against the dropship wall with Murphy next to me
"I'm sorry... For shooting you" he patted his hand on my knee and looked in front of us, staring at nothing. I do the same

After about 3 hours of just sitting there it started to get really hot. I lay down on the dropship floor and attempt to fan myself
"What's wrong?" He comes to my side sliding over on his butt
"It's hot" I breath out wiping the sweat from my forehead
"It's not even warm in here. I think there something seriously wrong with you" he puts his hand on my forehead and almost pulls away immediately
"Your burning up" he simply stated and threw his jacket off to the side
"Is that bad?" I sit up straight so we're facing each other
"I don't know, but you need to take your clothes off"
"Um excuse me?"
"Not like that, just your jacket and your- your wearing shorts under your pants right?" He pulls my jacket off my arms and throws it on top of his in the corner
I nod and slide my dark jeans down, leaving me in my black shorts and my white shirt, I cooled down and started feeling a bit better. Murphy insisted that I use his jacket as a blanket, I plop mine down as a makeshift pillow and rest my head on it. He grips his jacket and slides in onto my body making me feel cozy.

"Just get some sleep " he rubs my shoulder and smiles down at me
I lay my head in his lap and close my eyes
"Promise you'll be here when I wake up" I say worried
He places his hand on my forehead and pats my head softly making me even more sleepy if possible.
"I'm not going anywhere" he smiles, I smile back and soon we both fall asleep

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