17. Will You Marry Me

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(Ga prnh bosen ngingetin buat muter backsound di mulmed sm backsound tiap scene nya. Biar kya nntn drama gtu. Mksh. Happy reading. Buat Eunkook shipper siap2 baper yoo^^)



Kalimat bhs Inggris yg sya garis bawahi merujuk pd idiom. Such as:

1. On one's last legs: hampir mati.

2. On the contrary: Sebaliknya.

3. On the ball: Selalu memperhatikan & dpt bekerja baik.

Sedangkan kalimat yg sya italic itu berarti ungkapan dlm bhs Jerman. Kya Herr = tuan, sedangkan Frau=nyonya.

Cieee cieee..., yg pd baperin Eunkook, hee. Sblmnya trmksh bnyk yah buat kalian yg msh stay tuned buat nunggu kelanjutan FF ini haha^^ , rencana nya FF ini akn berakhir sampe 25 chapter, berhubungan ide dikepala author mengalir deras, jd per chapter nya suka aga panjang2 hee^^ moga pd ga bosen yah 😊

Maaf yah, mungkin sekarang2 ini sya ga bisa fast update krna sibuk nugas , les, praktek dan bla bla bla. Ga muluk2 jg sih, berharap para readers msh Setia bca and terhibur sm alur nya. Remember ja? We're talking about the plot not about the couple okay? I appreciate if you read this story because you like the couple, but please respect the plot too okay? Thank you ^^

Siap2 mental yoo!! Chapter selanjutnya bakal lebih complicated and miris menyayat hati #Baperagain.

Let's be friend and cheer me up yahh 🙌. I always try to amuse the readers, so give me possitive response Ja..., don't forget your comment, if you wanna ask something, just comment on my story okay?? I can't say anthing to you who still be loyal of waiting for the entire in this story. Ich liebe dich, vielen dank und auf wiedersehen...😊

Your comment is my biggest spirit..

Scent Of Flower ( Sudah Dinovelkan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang