"I'm constantly thinking of this girl, every time I see her, I always want to be near her. What does this mean?"
Jaebum eyebrows furrowed at what Mark had said It had been a long draining day after sorting things out with Seulgi, he had to check twice to see if he wasn't just hearing things
"Wait what"
"This girl, I'm always thinking of her"
yep he wasn't hearing things, he stayed silent for a few seconds trying to think of what to say but it just came naturally
"Maybe you like her?"
"Who's the unlucky girl"
"Ya! Unlucky? What are you saying"
"I'm joking, seriously tho who is she?"
Mark paused for a bit, then suddenly a smile creeped to his face
Jaebums eyes widen,
"Wendy!? Like Wendy!? Like RV Wendy!?"
"Yeah, she really caught my eye"
Mark laid on his bed with his hands on his head
"She's beautiful"
Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.
Jaebum suddenly made puke noises
"Your so cheesy, it's gross"
Mark completed ignored it and just went back to being silent
Jaebum was dumbfounded, how could he just randomly bring up the subject about Wendy then just act like nothing happened.
He shrugged it off and went to sleep But before he did, he got out his phone and texted his girlfriend
Goodnight baby, remember I love you. Delivered 10:20pm
He looked across at Mark than smirked
Oh and I know someone who has a little crush on your member Wendy ;) Delivered 10:21pm
--- Okay this is hella short, but I had to add some kind of Markdy into this fanfic cause I'm trash ok 😂 Promise the next chapter will be longer!